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Jolt Background Information

This section contains additional information on Jolt components.

Jolt Server

The Jolt Server is a listener that supports one or more handlers.

Jolt Server Listener (JSL)—the JSL is configured to support clients on an IP/port combination.The JSL works with the Jolt Server Handler (JSH) to provide client connectivity to the back-end of the BEA Jolt system. The JSL runs as a BEA Tuxedo server.

Jolt Server Handler (JSH)—the JSH is a program that runs on a BEA Tuxedo server machine to provide a network connection point for remote clients. The JSH works with the JSL to provide client connectivity residing on the back-end of the BEA Jolt system. More than one JSH can be available to the JSL, up to 32,767. (Refer to the description of the -M command-line option in JSL Command-line Options for additional information.)

System Administrator Responsibilities—the system administrator's responsibilities for the server components of BEA Jolt include:

Starting the JSL

To start all administrative and server processes in the UBBCONFIG file:

  1. Type tmloadcf.

    This command parses the configuration file and loads the binary version of the configuration file.

  2. Type tmboot -y .

    This command activates the application specified in the configuration file.

    If you do not enter any options, a prompt asks you if you really want to overwrite your TUXCONFIG file.

See Administering a BEA Tuxedo Application at Run Time or the BEA Tuxedo Command Reference for information about tmloadcf and tmboot.

Shutting Down the JSL

All shutdown requests to the Jolt servers are initiated by the BEA Tuxedo command:

 tmshutdown -y

During shutdown:

Restarting the JSL

BEA Tuxedo monitors the JSL and restarts it in the event of a failure. When BEA Tuxedo restarts the listener process, the following events occur:

Configuring the JSL

The Jolt Server Listener (JSL) is a BEA Tuxedo server responsible for distributing connection requests from Jolt to the Jolt Server Handler (JSH). BEA Tuxedo must be running on the host machine where the JSL and JREPSVR are located.

Note: The way the JSL selects ports for the JSH is different than the process for the BEA Tuxedo Workstation Server Listener (WSL). For detailed information regarding on properly configuring JSL ports, refer to the "SERVERS Section" of Creating the UBBCONFIG File.

JSL Command-line Options

The server may need to obtain information from the command line. The CLOPT parameter allows you to specify command-line options that can change some defaults in the server. The JSL command-line options are described in the following table.

JSL Command-line Options




Enables or disables the security context for a Jolt connection pool. This option should be enabled if you want to implement authentication propagation between WebLogic Server and Jolt. If identity propagation is desired, then the Jolt Service Handler (JSH) must be started with this option. If the -a option is not set, but SecurityContext is enabled, the JSH will not accept this request. If the SecurityContext attribute is enabled, then the Jolt client will pass the username of the caller to the JSH.

If the JSH, gets a message with the caller's identity, it calls impersonate_user() to get the appkey for the user. JSH caches the appkey, so the next time the caller makes a request, the appkey is retrieved from the cache and the request is forwarded to the service. A cache is maintained by each JSH, which means that there will be a cache maintained for all the session pools connected to the same JSH.



[-c compression_threshold]

Enables application data sent between a Jolt client and a Jolt server (JSH) to be compressed during transmission over the network.

compression_threshold is a number that you specify between 0 and 2,147,483,647 bytes. Any messages that are larger than the specified compression threshold are compressed before transmission.

The default is no compression; that is, if no compression threshold is specified, BEA Jolt does not compress messages on client or server.

[-d device_name]

The device for platforms using the Transport Layer Interface. There is no default. Required. (Optional for sockets)

[-H external netaddr]

Specifies the network address mask Jolt clients use to connect to the application when there is network address translation. The JSL process uses this address to listen for clients attempting to connect at this address. If the external address mask is 0x0002MMMMdddddddd and the JSH network address is 0x00021111ffffffff, the known (or external) network address is 0x00021111dddddddd. If the address starts with "//" network address, the type is IP based and the TCP/IP port number of the JSH network address is copied into the address to form the combined network address.

The external IP address mask must be specified in the following form:

-H //external ip address:MMMM

(Optional for JSL in BEA Tuxedo 6.4 and 6.5)

[-I init-timeout]

The time (in seconds) that a Jolt client is allowed to complete initialization through the JSH before it is timed out by the JSL. Default is 60 seconds. (Optional)



[-j connection_mode]

The following connection modes from clients are allowed:

RETAINED—the network connection is retained for the full duration of a session.

RECONNECT—the client establishes and brings down a connection when an idle timeout is reached, reconnecting for multiple requests within a session.

ANY—the server allows a client to request either a RETAINED or RECONNECT type of connection for a session.

The default is ANY. That is, if no option is specified, the server allows a client to request either a RETAINED or RECONNECT type of connection. (Optional)

[-m minh]

The minimum number of JSHs that are available in conjunction with the JSL at one time. The range of this parameter is from 0 through 255. Default is 0. (Optional)

[-M maxh]

The maximum number of JSHs that are available in conjunction with the JSL at one time. If this option is not specified, the parameter defaults to the MAXWSCLIENTS divided by the -x multiplexing factor (MPX), with the result rounded up. If specified, the -M option takes a value from 1 to 32,767. (Optional)



[-n netaddr]

Network address used by the BEA Jolt listener with BEA Tuxedo 6.4 and 6.5, and WebLogic Enterprise 4.2.

TCP/IP addresses may be specified in the following formats:


In the first format, the domain finds an address for hostname by using the local name resolution facilities (usually DNS). hostname must be the local machine, and the local name resolution facilities must unambiguously resolve hostname to the address of the local machine.

In the second example, the "#.#.#.#" is in dotted decimal format. In dotted decimal format, each # should be a number from 0 to 255. This dotted decimal number represents the IP address of the local machine. In both of the above formats, port_number is the TCP port number at which the domain process listens for incoming requests. port_number can either be a number between 0 and 65535 or a name.

[-T Client-timeout]

The time (in minutes) allowed for a client to stay idle. If a client does not make any requests during this time, the JSH disconnects the client and the session is terminated. If an argument is not supplied, the session does not timeout.

When the -j ANY or -j RECONNECT option is used, always specify -T with an idle timeout value. If -T is not specified and the connection is suspended, JSH does not automatically terminate the session. The session never terminates if a client abnormally ends the session.

If a parameter is not specified, the default is no timeout. (Optional)

[-w JSH]

This command-line option indicates the Jolt Server Handler. Default is JSH. (Optional)



[-x mpx-factor]

This is the number of clients that one JSH can service. Use this parameter to control the degree of multiplexing within each JSH process. If specified, this parameter takes a value from 1 to 32767 for UNIX and Windows 2000. Default value is 10. (Optional)

[-Z 0|56|128]

When a network link between a Jolt client and the JSH is being established, this option allows encryption up to the specified level. The initial 0 means no DH nodes, no RC4. The numbers 56 and 128 specify the length (in bits) of the encryption key. The DH key exchange is needed to generate keys. Session keys are not transmitted over the network. The default value is 0.


Security and Encryption

Authentication and key exchange data are transmitted between Jolt clients and the JSL/JSH using the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. All subsequent exchanges are encrypted using RC4 encryption. International packages use a DES key exchange and a 128-bit key, with 40 bits encrypted and 88 bits exposed.

Programs using the 128-bit encryption cannot be exported outside the United States without proper approval from the United States government. Customers with intranets extending beyond the United States cannot use this mode of encryption if any internal clients are outside the United States.


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