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BEA Tuxedo Background Information

The following sections provide detailed configuration information. Even if you are familiar with BEA Tuxedo, you should refer to this section for information concerning Jolt Service Handler (JSL) configuration.

Configuration File

The BEA Tuxedo configuration file for your application exists in two forms, the ASCII file, UBBCONFIG, and a compiled version called TUXCONFIG. Once you create a TUXCONFIG, consider your UBBCONFIG as a backup.

You can make changes to the UBBCONFIG file with your preferred text editor. Then, at a time when your application is not running, and when you are logged in to your MASTER machine, you can recompile your TUXCONFIG by running tmloadcf(1). System/T prompts you to make sure you really want to overwrite your existing TUXCONFIG file. (If you enter the command with the -y option, the prompt is suppressed.)

Creating the UBBCONFIG File

A binary configuration file called the TUXCONFIG file contains information used by tmboot(1) to start the servers and initialize the bulletin board of a BEA Tuxedo system in an orderly sequence. The binary TUXCONFIG file cannot be created directly. Initially, you must create a UBBCONFIG file. That file is parsed and loaded into the TUXCONFIG using tmloadcf(1). Then tmadmin(1) uses the configuration file or a copy of it in its monitoring activity. tmshutdown(1) references the configuration file for information needed to shut down the application.

Configuration File Format

The UBBCONFIG file can consist of up to nine specification sections. Lines beginning with an asterisk (*) indicate the beginning of a specification section. Each such line contains the name of the section immediately following the *. Allowable section names are: RESOURCES, MACHINES, GROUPS, NETGROUPS, NETWORK, SERVERS, SERVICES, INTERFACES, and ROUTING.

Note: The RESOURCES (if used) and MACHINES sections must be the first two sections, in that order; the GROUPS section must be ahead of SERVERS, SERVICES, and ROUTING.

To configure the JSL, you must modify the UBBCONFIG file. For further information about BEA Tuxedo configuration, refer to Administering a BEA Tuxedo Application at Run Time.

The following listing shows relevant portions of the UBBCONFIG file.


/dev/tcp -m2 -M4 -x10"

The parameters shown in the following table are the only parameters that must be designated for the Jolt Server groups and Jolt Servers. You are not required to specify any other parameters.

Change the sections of the UBBCONFIG file as shown in the following table.

UBBCONFIG File Sections


Parameters to be specified









The MACHINES section specifies the logical names for physical machines for the configuration. It also specifies parameters specific to a given machine. The MACHINES section must contain an entry for each physical processor used by the application. Entries have the form:

ADDRESS or NAME required parameters [optional parameters]

where ADDRESS is the physical name of the processor, for example, the value produced by the UNIX system uname -n command.


This parameter specifies that the string_value is to be used in other sections as the symbolic name for ADDRESS. This name cannot contain a comma, and must be 30 characters or less. This parameter is required. There must be an LMID line for every machine used in a configuration.


The MAXWSCLIENTS parameter is required in the MACHINES section of the configuration file. It specifies the number of accesser entries on this processor to be reserved for Jolt and Workstation clients only. The value of this parameter must be between 0 and 32,768, inclusive.

The Jolt Server and Workstation use MAXWSCLIENTS in the same way. For example, if 200 slots are configured for MAXWSCLIENTS, this number configures BEA Tuxedo for the total number of remote clients used by Jolt and Workstation.

Be sure to specify MAXWSCLIENTS in the configuration file. If it is not specified, the default is 0.

Note: If MAXWSCLIENTS is not set, the JSL does not boot.

GROUPS Section

This section provides information about server groups, and must have at least one server group defined in it. A server group entry provides a logical name for a collection of servers and/or services on a machine. The logical name is used as the value of the SRVGRP parameter in the SERVERS section to identify a server as part of this group. SRVGRP is also used in the SERVICES section to identify a particular instance of a service with its occurrences in the group. Other GROUPS parameters associate this group with a specific resource manager instance (for example, the employee database). Lines within the GROUPS section have the form:

GROUPNAME required parameters [optional parameters]

where GROUPNAME specifies the logical name (string_value) of the group. The group name must be unique within all group names in the GROUPS section and LMID values in the MACHINES section. The group name cannot contain an asterisk(*), comma, or colon, and must be 30 characters or less.

A GROUPS entry is required for the group that includes the Jolt Server Listener (JSL). Make the GROUPS entry as follows:

  1. The group name is selected by the application, for example: JSLGRP and JREPGRP.

  2. Specify the same identifiers given as the value of the LMID parameter in the MACHINES section.

  3. Specify the value of the GRPNO between 1 and 30,000 in the *GROUPS section.

Note: Make sure that Resource Managers are not assigned as a default value for all groups in the GROUPS section of your UBBCONFIG file. Making Resource Managers the default value assigns a Resource Manager to the JSL and you receive an error during tmboot. In the SERVERS section, default values for RESTART, MAXGEN, etc., are acceptable defaults for the JSL.


This section provides information on the initial conditions for servers started in the system. The notion of a server as a process that continually runs and waits for a server group's service requests to process may or may not apply to a particular remote environment. For many environments, the operating system, or perhaps a remote gateway, is the sole dispatcher of services. When either of these is the case, you need only specify SERVICE entry points for remote program entry points, and not SERVER table entries. BEA Tuxedo system gateway servers would advertise and queue remote domain service requests. Host-specific reference pages must indicate whether or not UBBCONFIG server table entries apply in their particular environments, and if so, the corresponding semantics. Lines within the SERVERS section have the form:

AOUT required parameters [optional parameters]

where AOUT specifies the file (string_value) to be executed by tmboot(1). tmboot executes AOUT on the machine specified for the server group to which the server belongs. tmboot searches for the AOUT file on its target machine, thus, AOUT must exist in a file system on that machine. (Of course, the path to AOUT can include RFS connections to file systems on other machines.) If a relative pathname for a server is given, the search for AOUT is done sequentially in APPDIR, TUXDIR/bin, /bin, and then in path, where <path> is the value of the last PATH= line appearing in the machine environment file, if one exists. The values for APPDIR and TUXDIR are taken from the appropriate machine entry in the TUXCONFIG file.

Clients connect to BEA Jolt applications through the Jolt Server Listener (JSL). Services are accessed through the Jolt Server Handler (JSH). The JSL supports multiple clients and acts as a single point of contact for all the clients to connect to the application at the network address that is specified on the JSL command line. The JSL schedules work for handler processes. A handler process acts as a substitute for clients on remote workstations within the administrative domain of the application. The handler uses a multiplexing scheme to support multiple clients on one port concurrently.

The network address specified for the JSL designates a TCP/IP address for both the JSL and any JSH processes associated with that JSL. The port number identified by the network address specifies the port number on which the JSL accepts new client connections. Each JSH associated with the JSL uses consecutive port numbers at the same TCP/IP address. For example, if the initial JSL port number is 8000 and there are a maximum of three JSH processes, the JSH processes use ports 8001, 8002, and 8003.

Note: Misconfiguration of the subsequent JSL results in a port number collision.

Parameters Usable with JSL

In addition to the parameters specified in the previous sections, the following parameters can be used with the JSL, although you need to understand how doing so would affect your application.


This parameter specifies the group name for the group in which the server is to run. string_value must be the logical name associated with a server group in the *GROUPS section, and must be 30 characters or less. This association with an entry in the *GROUPS section means that AOUT is executed on the machine with the LMID specified for the server group. This association also specifies the GRPNO for the server group and parameters to pass when the associated resource manager is opened. All server entries must have a server group parameter specified.


This parameter specifies an identifier, an integer between 1 and 30,00, inclusive, that identifies this server within its group. This parameter is required on every server entry, even if the group has only one server. If multiple occurrences of servers are desired, do not use consecutive numbers for SRVIDs; leave enough room for the system to assign additional SRVIDs up to MAX.

Optional Parameters

The optional parameters of the SERVERS section are divided into boot parameters and run-time parameters.

Boot Parameters

Boot parameters are used by tmboot when it executes a server. Once running, a server reads its entry from the configuration file to determine its run-time options. The unique server identification number is used to find the right entry. The following are boot parameters.


The CLOPT parameter specifies a string of command-line options to be passed to AOUT when booted.The servopts(5) page in the File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference lists the valid parameters.

Some of the available options apply primarily to servers under development. For example, the -r option directs the server to write a record to its standard error file each time a service request begins or ends.

Other command-line options can be used to direct the server's standard out (stdout) and standard error (stderr) to specific files, or to start the server so that it initially advertises a limited set of its available services.

The default value for the CLOPT parameter is -A, which means that the server is started with all available services advertised.

The maximum length of the CLOPT parameter value is 256 characters; it must be enclosed in double quotes.


This parameter specifies when to shut down or boot relative to other servers. If SEQUENCE is not specified, servers are booted in the order found in the SERVERS section (and shut down in the reverse order). If some servers have sequence numbers specified and others do not, all servers with sequence numbers are booted first from low to high sequence number, then all servers without sequence numbers are booted in the order in which they appear in the configuration file. Sequence numbers range between 1 and 9999. If the same sequence number is assigned to more than one server, tmboot may boot those servers in parallel.


The MIN parameter specifies the minimum number of occurrences of the server to boot by tmboot. If an RQADDR is specified, and MIN is greater than 1, the servers form a multiple servers single queue (MSSQ) set. The identifiers for the servers are SRVID up to (SRVID + (MAX -1)). All occurrences of the server have the same sequence numbers as well as any other server parameters. The value range for MIN is 0 to 1000. If MIN is not specified, the default value is 1.


The MAX parameter sets the maximum number of occurrences of the server to be booted. Initially, tmboot boots MIN servers, and additional servers can be booted up to MAX occurrences using the -i option of tmboot to specify the associated server identifier. The value range for MAX is 0 to 1000. If no value is specified for MAX, the default is the same as for MIN, or 1.

Run-time Parameters

The server uses run-time parameters after it is started by tmboot. As indicated previously, tmboot uses the values found in the TUXDIR, APPDIR and ENVFILE parameters for the MACHINES section when booting the server. It also sets the PATH for the server to:


where path is the value of the last PATH= line appearing in the ENVFILE file. The following parameters are run-time parameters.


You can use the ENVFILE parameter for a server to add values to the environment established by tmboot during initialization of the server. You can optionally set variables specified in the file named in the SERVERS ENVFILE parameter after you set those in the MACHINES ENVFILE used by tmboot. These files cannot be used to override TUXDIR, APDIR, TUXCONFIG, or TUSOFFSET. The best policy is to include in the server's ENVFILE only those variable assignments known to be needed to ensure proper running of the application.

On the server, the ENVFILE file is processed after the server starts. Therefore, it cannot be used to set the pathnames used to find executable or dynamically loaded files needed to execute the server. If you need to perform these tasks, use the machine ENVFILE instead.

Within ENVFILE only lines of the form

VARIABLE =string

are allowed. VARIABLE must start with an underscore or alphabetic character and can contain only underscore or alphanumeric characters. If the server is associated with a server group that can be migrated to a second machine, the ENVFILE must be in the same location on both machines.

CONV={Y | N}

CONV specifies whether the server is a conversational server. CONV takes a Y value if a conversational server is being defined. Connections can only be made to conversational servers, and rpc requests (via tpacall(3c) or tpcall(3c)) can only be made to non-conversational servers. For a request/response server, you can either set CONV=N, which is the default, or omit the parameter.


RQADDR assigns a symbolic name to the request queue of this server. MSSQ sets are established by using the same symbolic name for more than one server (or by specifying MIN greater than 1). All members of an MSSQ set must offer an identical set of services and must be in the same server group.

If RQADDR is not specified, the system assigns a unique key to serve as the queue address for this server. However, tmadmin commands that take a queue address as an argument are easier to use if queues are given symbolic names.


Use the RQPERM parameter to assign UNIX-style permissions to the request queue for this server. The value of number can be between 0001 and 0777, inclusive. If no parameter is specified, the permissions value of the bulletin board, as specified by PERM in the RESOURCES section, is used. If no value is specified there, the default of 0666 is used (the default exposes your application to possible use by any login on the system, so consider this carefully).

REPLYQ={ Y | N }

The REPLYQ parameter specifies whether a reply queue, separate from the request queue, should be established for AOUT. If N is specified, the reply queue is created on the same LMID as the AOUT. If only one server is using the request queue, replies can be retrieved from the request queue without causing problems. However, if the server is a member of an MSSQ set and contains services programmed to receive reply messages, REPLYQ should be set to Y so that an individual reply queue is created for this server. If set to N, the reply is sent to the request queue shared by all servers for the MSSQ set, and you cannot ensure that the reply will be picked up by the server that is waiting for it.

It should be standard practice for all member servers of an MSSQ set to specify REPLYQ=Y if replies are anticipated. Servers in an MSSQ set are required to have identical offerings of services, so it is reasonable to expect that if one server in the set expects replies, any server in the set can also expect replies.


Use the RPPERM parameter to assign permissions to the reply queue. number is specified in the usual UNIX fashion (for example, 0600); the value can be between 0001 and 0777, inclusive. If RPPERM is not specified, the default value 0666 is used. This parameter is useful only when REPLYQ=Y. If requests and replies are read from the same queue, only RQPERM is needed; RPPERM is ignored.


The RESTART parameter takes a Y or N to indicate whether AOUT is restartable. The default is N. If the server is in a group that can be migrated, RESTART must be Y. A server started with a SIGTERM signal cannot be restarted; it must be rebooted.

An application's policy on restarting servers might vary according to whether the server is in production or not. During the test phase of application development it is reasonable to expect that a server might fail repeatedly, but server failures should be rare events once the application has been put into production. You might want to set more stringent parameters for restarting servers once the application is in production.

Parameters Associated with RESTART


If AOUT is restartable, this parameter specifies the command that should be executed when AOUT abnormally terminates. The string, up to the first space or tab, must be the name of an executable UNIX file, either a full pathname or relative to APPDIR. (Do not attempt to set a shell variable at the beginning of the command.) Optionally, the command name can be followed by command-line arguments. Two additional arguments are appended to the command line: the GRPNO and SRVID associated with the restarting server. string_value is executed in parallel with restarting the server.

You can use the RCMD parameter to specify a command to be executed in parallel with the restarting of the server. The command must be an executable UNIX system file residing in a directory on the server's PATH. An example is a command that sends a customized message to the userlog to mark the restarting of the server.


If AOUT is restartable, this parameter specifies that it can be restarted at most (number - 1) times within the period specified by GRACE. The value must be greater than 0 and less than 256. If not specified, the default is 1 (which means that the server can be started once, but not restarted). If the server is to be restartable, MAXGEN must be equal to or greater than 2. RESTART must be Y or MAXGEN is ignored.


If RESTART is Y, the GRACE parameter specifies the time period (in seconds) during which this server can be restarted, (MAXGEN - 1) times. The number assigned must be equal to or greater than 0, and less than 2,147,483,648 seconds (or a little more than 68 years). If GRACE is not specified the default is 86,400 seconds (24 hours). Setting GRACE to 0 removes all limitations; the server can be restarted an unlimited number of times.

Entering Parameters

You can use BEA Tuxedo parameters, including RESTART, RQADDR, and REPLYQ, with the JSL. (See Administering a BEA Tuxedo Application at Run Time for additional information regarding run-time parameters.) Enter the following parameters:

  1. To identify the SRVGRP parameter, type the previously defined group name value from the GROUPS section.

  2. To indicate the SRVID, type a number between 1 and 30,000 that identifies the server within its group.

  3. Verify that the syntax for the CLOPT parameter is as follows:
    CLOPT= "-- -n 0x0002PPPPNNNNNNNN -d /dev/tcp -m2 -M4 -x10"

    Note: The CLOPT parameters may vary. Refer to the table JSL Command-line Options for pertinent command-line information.

  4. If necessary, type the optional parameters:


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