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Main Components of the Repository Editor

The Repository Editor allows you to add, modify, or delete any of the following components:

Repository Editor Flow

After you log on to the Repository Editor, two buttons are enabled, Packages and Services.

The following figure illustrates the Repository Editor flow to help you determine which of these two buttons to select.

Repository Editor Flow Diagram


Select Packages to open the Packages window and perform the following functions:

Refer to What Is a Package? for complete details.

Select Services to open the Services window and perform the following functions:

Refer to What Is a Service? for complete details.

What Is a Package?

Packages provide a convenient method for grouping services for Jolt administration. (A service consists of parameters, such as pin number, account number, payment, rate, term, age, or Social Security number.)

You use the Packages window to perform the following:

Click the Packages button in the Jolt Repository Editor logon window to display the available packages. When you select a specific package from the display list, its services within that package are displayed.

The following figure contains a sample Packages window. The BANKAPP package is selected, and the services within the BANKAPP package is displayed.

Sample Packages Window


Packages Window Description

Packages Window Description




Lists available packages.


Lists available services within the selected package.

Package Organizer

Accesses the Package Organizer window to review available packages and services. Use this window to move the services among the packages or add a new package.




Makes the most current services available to the client. This option is enabled when a package is selected.


Select this option before testing an existing service. This option is enabled when a package is selected.


Deletes a package. This option is enabled when a package is selected and the package is empty (no services contained within the package).


Returns the user to the previous window.


Instructions for Viewing a Package

  1. Click Packages in the Repository Editor Logon window.

    The Packages window opens and displays the list of available packages.

    In the figure Sample Packages Window, BANKAPP, BULKPKG, and SIMPSERV are the available packages.

  2. Refer to Instructions for Viewing a Parameter for additional information.

What Is a Service?

A service is a definition of an available BEA Tuxedo service. Services include parameters such as pin number, account number, payment, and rate. Adding or editing a Jolt service does not affect an existing BEA Tuxedo service.

You use the Services Window to add, edit, or delete services.

The following figure is an example of a Services window with the BANKAPP package selected, and the display list of services and parameters available for this package (parameters are detailed later).

Sample Services Window


Services Window Description


Services Window Description




Lists the available packages.


Lists the services in the selected package, which you can edit or delete. Selecting a service displays the parameters within the service.


Displays the parameters of the selected service.


Displays the Edit Services window for adding a new service.


Displays the Edit Services window for editing an existing service. This button is enabled only if a service has been selected.


Deletes a service. This button is only enabled if a service has been selected.


Returns the user to the previous window.


Instructions for Viewing a Service

  1. Select Services from the Repository Editor Logon window.

    The Services window opens and displays the list of available packages.

  2. Select a package.

    The list of available services for the selected package is displayed.

    In the figure Sample Services Window, BANKAPP is the selected package. DEPOSIT, INQUIRY, TRANSFER, and WITHDRAWAL are the available services for BANKAPP.

  3. Refer to Instructions for Viewing a Parameter for additional information.

Working with Parameters

A service contains parameters, which may be a pin number, account number, payment, rate, term, age, or Social Security number. The following figure shows a Services window displaying a selected service and its parameters.

Note: Adding or editing a parameter does not modify or change an existing BEA Tuxedo Service.

Sample Services Window with Parameters List


Instructions for Viewing a Parameter

  1. Select Services from the Repository Editor Logon window.

    The Services window opens and displays the list of available packages.

  2. Select a package.

    The list of available services for the selected package is displayed.

    In the preceding figure, BANKAPP is the selected package.

  3. Select a service.

    The list of available parameters for the selected service is displayed.

    In the preceding figure, INQUIRY is the selected service.

  4. View the parameters for a selected service in the Parameters display list.

    In the preceding figure, ACCOUNT_ID, FORMNAM, SBALANCE, and STATLIN are the available parameters for the INQUIRY service.

  5. Refer to Adding a Parameter for additional information.


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