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What Is Unsolicited Communication?

The BEA Tuxedo system offers a powerful communication paradigm called unsolicited notification. When unsolicited notification occurs, a BEA Tuxedo client receives a message that it has never requested. This capability makes it possible for application clients to receive notification of application-specific events as they occur, without having to request notification explicitly in real time.

Unsolicited messages can be sent to client processes by name (tpbroadcast) or by an identifier received with a previously processed message (tpnotify). Messages sent via tpbroadcast can originate either in a service or in another client. You can target a narrow or wide audience. You can send a message with or without guaranteed delivery to an individual client through point-to-point notification (tpnotify), or you can send information to a group of clients (tpbroadcast). For example, a server may alert a single client that the account about which the client is inquiring has been closed. Or, a server may send a message to all the clients on a machine to remind the users that the machine will be shut down for maintenance at a specific time.

Any process that wants to be notified about a particular event (such as a machine being shut down for maintenance) can register a request, with the system, to be notified automatically. Once registered, a client or server is informed whenever the specified event occurs. This type of automatic communication about an event is called unsolicited notification.

Because there is no limit to the number of clients and servers that may generate events and receive unsolicited notification about such events, the task of managing this category of communication can become complex. The BEA Tuxedo system offers a tool for managing unsolicited notification called the EventBroker.

Unsolicited Notification Messaging


See Also


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