BEA Logo BEA Tuxedo Release 8.0

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What Are Encoding and Decoding of Data?

Encoding and decoding enable messages with different data representations (for example, byte ordering or character sets) to be transferred between machines. The BEA Tuxedo system accomplishes this by encoding and decoding data to a machine-independent representation for transmission. It employs, by default, the XDR algorithm, which can be customized by replacing the BEA Tuxedo system functions with user-written functions. Encoding and decoding are used only between machines and only when a remote machine uses a data representation other than the one used on the local machine. Encoding and decoding allow machines with different data architectures to operate within a heterogeneous BEA Tuxedo system. Programmers can manage data in representations natural to their own environments.

The BEA Tuxedo system uses buffer types to determine the type of fields contained in a message, and to perform the mapping required for coding tasks. This mapping is not performed by unstructured buffer types such as X_OCTET and CARRAY. Thus, developers using X_OCTET and CARRAY buffers are free to deploy in mixed-machine environments.


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