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What Is Conversational Communication?

Conversational communication is the BEA Tuxedo system implementation of a human-like paradigm for exchanging messages between clients and servers. In this form of communication, a virtual connection is maintained between the client and server. Just as in a conversation between two people, a number of messages pass back and forth between the two entities until a conclusion is reached. Over the course of the communication, both sides "remember" the point (or state) of the conversation so that relatively long operations, such as ad hoc queries, reports, and file transfers, can be supported. Conversational servers are available by default, but more can be spawned automatically if needed.

The BEA Tuxedo system provides an application programming interface (API) that can be used to create conversations in applications; specifically to connect clients to servers, to send and receive messages, and to end the conversation.

Conversations can be nested but performance may be degraded as a result of doing so. Conversations may contain either transactions or service requests as appropriate. Although a conversational service can make service calls and establish conversations, those service calls and conversations cannot be forwarded. A conversation can be within the scope of, and controlled by a transaction.

Conversational Communication


See Also


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