BEA Logo BEA Tuxedo Release 8.0

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How the BEA Tuxedo System Fits into the Client/Server Model

The BEA Tuxedo system fits into the middle of the client/server model. In a BEA Tuxedo application, clients log in and request services offered by an application. The BEA Tuxedo system offers these services through a transparent bulletin board. The bulletin board contains a directory advertising services. In a banking application, for example, the bulletin board might advertise deposit, withdrawal, and inquiry services. The BEA Tuxedo system then finds a server (for example, at the appropriate branch or district office) that can provide the requested services.

Clients and Servers in a Sample Banking Application


The preceding figure shows the primary building blocks of a BEA Tuxedo application:

In this sample BEA Tuxedo banking application, clients (cash machines and tellers) make requests, and servers (at branch and district offices) provide services and responses. For example, a customer may use a cash machine to find out how much money is available in his personal checking account. The cash machine (a client) calls the server to get the balance. The server receives the request, retrieves the balance, and sends the information to the cash machine.

See Also


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