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Types of Events

The BEA Tuxedo system supports two event types:

Differences Between System and Application-specific Events

The following table identifies the differences between system and application-specific events.

Differences Between System and Application-specific Events




System events are defined in advance by the BEA Tuxedo system code. For an application, designers decide which application events should be monitored. Application programs are written to: (a) detect when an event of interest has occurred, and (b) post the event to the EventBroker through tppost.

Event List

A list of the application event subscriptions is made available to interested users just as the BEA Tuxedo system provides a list of system events available to users with EVENTS(5). System event names begin with a dot ( . ); application-specific event names may not begin with a dot (.).


Subscribing to an event in an application-specific event broker is similar to subscribing to the BEA Tuxedo System EventBroker. You subscribe by making calls to tpsubscribe using the published list of events for the application. EVENTS(5) lists the notification message generated by an event as well as the event name (used as an argument when tppost is called). Subscribers can use the wildcard capability of regular expressions to make a single call to tpsubscribe that covers a whole category of events.



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