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Creating the Configuration File

Application configuration data is maintained in the UBBCONFIG, an ordinary text file on the MASTER machine. The configuration file (UBBCONFIG) is a repository that contains all the information necessary to boot an application, such as lists of its resources, machines, groups, servers, available services, and so on. Once written, the UBBCONFIG file is compiled into a binary file, TUXCONFIG. (If you are developing a multidomain application, you must provide a configuration file for each domain in the application.) An application cannot run without a configuration file.

The UBBCONFIG file consists of eight sections, five of which are required for all configurations: RESOURCES, MACHINES, GROUPS, SERVERS, and SERVICES. The RESOURCES and MACHINES sections must be the first and second sections, respectively (as illustrated in the following diagram). GROUPS must be ahead of SERVERS and SERVICES.



Your particular configuration determines which sections of the UBBCONFIG file are required. Once you have written your UBBCONFIG file, you must compile it into a binary file called TUXCONFIG. You can generate your TUXCONFIG file by running the the tmloadcf(1) command or by using the BEA Administration Console.

See Also


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