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Managing Your Configuration Dynamically

Administrators can use the BEA Administration Console or the BEA Tuxedo system command-line utilities to reconfigure applications dynamically, adjusting parameters to respond to varying system loads while the system is running. A revised TUXCONFIG file is propagated automatically to all machines in the system as it is updated. However, many RESOURCES parameters cannot be changed while the system is running.

Examples of tasks you can do dynamically include: adding servers or machines, deleting machines, and so forth. To ensure that the text and binary versions of your configuration file (UBBCONFIG and TUXCONFIG, respectively) always match, you need to back them up and synchronize them by using tmunloadcf. This command translates the binary file to a text version.

You can change most elements of the system dynamically. You can, for example, spawn new servers, add new machines, or change timeout parameters. There are, however, a few things you cannot change while a system is running:

See Also


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