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What Are the Domains Administrative Tools?

To build a multiple-domain configuration, you need to integrate your existing BEA Tuxedo application with other domains. You need to ensure interoperability across domains, preserve access to services on all domains, and accept service requests from all domains. You can perform these functions through a highly asynchronous multitasking gateway that processes outgoing and incoming service requests to or from all domains. To use the gateway, you must add entries for domain gateway groups and gateway servers to the TUXCONFIG file. The following illustration shows the tools provided by the BEA Tuxedo system for setting up and maintaining a multiple-domain configuration.

Domains Administrative Tools


Domains Administrative Tools

Domains Tool



A command that allows you to configure, monitor, and tune domain gateway groups dynamically. Use this command to update the BDMCONFIG file while an application is running. The command acts as a front-end process that translates administrative commands to service requests to the DMADMIN service, a generic administrative service advertised by the DMADM server. The DMADMIN service invokes the validation, retrieval, or update functions provided by the DMADM server to maintain the BDMCONFIG file.


All Domains configuration information is stored in a binary file called the BDMCONFIG file. You can create and edit the text version of the Domains gateway configuration file, DMCONFIG, with any text editor. You can update the compiled BDMCONFIG file while the system is running.

dmloadcf and dmunloadcf

dmloadcf—reads the DMCONFIG file, checks the syntax, and optionally loads a binary BDMCONFIG configuration file.

dmunloadcf—translates the BDMCONFIG configuration file from binary to text format.


A Domains administrative server that enables you to manage a Domains configuration at run time. DMADM provides a registration service for gateway groups. This service is requested by GWADM servers as part of their initialization procedure. The registration service downloads the configuration information required by the requesting gateway group. The DMADM server maintains a list of registered gateway groups, and propagates to these groups any changes made to the configuration.


A gateway administrative server that supports run-time administration of a specific gateway group. This server registers with the DMADM server to obtain the configuration information used by the corresponding gateway group. GWADM accepts requests from DMADMIN to obtain run-time statistics or to change the run-time options of the specified gateway group. Periodically, GWADM sends an "I-am-alive" message to the DMADM server. If no reply is received from DMADM, GWADM registers again. This process ensures the GWADM server always has the current copy of the Domains configuration for its group.


A gateway process that receives and forwards messages from clients and servers in all connected domains (for TDomains).


The binary version of the configuration file for a multiple-domain configuration.



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