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Classes, Attributes, and States in the MIB

Classes are the types of entities such as servers and machines that make up a BEA Tuxedo application. Attributes are characteristics of the objects in a class: identity, state, configuration parameters, run-time statistics, and so on. There are a number of attributes that are common to MIB operations and replies and common to individual classes. Every class has a state attribute that indicates the state of the object. The state of an object is either return to the user or new, changed state, if you are invoking an operation on the MIB to change an object's state.

Independent of classes is a set of common attributes that are defined in the MIB(5) reference page. These attributes control the input operations, communicate to the MIB what the user is trying to do, and/or identify to the programmer some of the characteristics of the output buffer that are independent of a particular class.


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