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Accessing Machines on a Network

The Machines page of the BEA Administration control panel gives an administrator access to any machine on the Microsoft Windows Network on which:

The administrator can then perform the following tasks:

Figure 2-2 shows the Machines page.

Machines Page


An administrator can access a remote machine by locating the machine in a network tree and selecting it. In Figure 2-2, the local machine PCWIZ is selected.

If you know the name of a remote machine, but do not know its work group, complete the following procedure to select it:

  1. Click Select.

    The Enter Machine Name dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 2-3.

    Enter Machine Name Dialog Box


  2. Enter the name of the remote machine in the field (for example, \\intrepid). Then click OK.

As a result of this procedure, all subsequent actions performed on other pages (Environment, Logging, Listener, and IPC Resources) in the control panel are performed on the machine you have just selected.


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