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Modifying Environment Variables

The Environment page of the BEA Administration control panel enables an administrator to modify BEA Tuxedo environment variables by using a method that is similar to the method used to modify Windows 2000 environment variables.

Figure 2-4 shows the Environment page.

Environment Page


The Variable field contains a list of the most commonly used BEA Tuxedo environment variables.

To modify the variables:

  1. To add a variable, complete the following procedure:

    1. Select any variable in the current list, select the variable in the Variable field, and enter the name of the new variable.

    2. Select the value in the Value field, enter the value, and click Set. The new variable is added to the list.

  2. To edit a variable, select the variable in the current list, select the variable in the Value field and enter its new value, and click Set. The variable is updated in the list.

  3. To delete a variable, select the variable in the current list, and click Delete. The variable is deleted from the list.

  4. Click Set. The changes to the variables are applied.


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