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Setting Up Your Environment

Before you can build your BEA Tuxedo ATMI application in an IDE, you must set the following fundamental parameters in your environment:

To provide this information, access the BuildTuxedo project_name dialog box in the msdev GUI.

Specifying the Build Type, Header File, and Filename

To specify the build type, header file, and filename:

  1. From the project_name dialog box, click the Build tab.

    Build Page


  2. In the Build Types field, click the down arrow and choose one of the following:

Note: Windows 98 users can select only Workstation Client type.

If You Select . . .

Then, After Making Your Selection . . .


Enter information in the Initialization, Cleanup, and Entry Point fields. Proceed to step 3.

Native Client or Workstation Client

Proceed to step 3.


The Initialization and Cleanup options allow you to override the default init/exit functions by specifying valid function names. The Entry Point option allows you to specify the name of the function generated by BuildTuxedo. After specifying its name, you can call the function from anywhere in the application.

  1. In the Header File field, enter stdafx.h.

  2. In the File Name field, enter the name of the C or C++ file to be generated and maintained by BuildTuxedo.

How BuildTuxedo Uses the Header File

In the header file, BuildTuxedo adds the necessary pragma statements to build the current BEA Tuxedo ATMI project correctly. BuildTuxedo opens the file specified in the Header File field of the Build page, if the file is present; otherwise, it creates a new one. A section starting with:

//Begin Tuxedo Section*****DO NOT EDIT***** 

and ending with:

//End Tuxedo Section

designates the area in the header file in which pragma statements are written. This area is maintained by BuildTuxedo. If BuildTuxedo does not locate this section in the file, it appends it to the end of the header file. Because all other text within the file remains unchanged, you can specify stdafx.h as the header file.

Note: If your project is new, and you select OK or Apply, you must select Files into Project from the MSDEV Insert menu. You then add the file generated by BuildTuxedo to the current project. You need to do this only for a new project or when you change the name of the C/C++ output file.

Specifying Function and Service Names

Select the Services tab to specify function and service names. The following figure shows the Services page.

Services Page


Two lists are used to maintain the service dispatch table:

Note: To scroll up and down either list, use the arrow keys.

Generally, the service and the function that performs the service are represented by the same name. For example, function x performs service x. In some cases, the function may have a different name from the service it performs. For example, in one case, function abc performs services x, y, and z. In another case, the service name may not be known until run time.

You must specify any function associated with a service when you build the server. For any function associated with a service, you must specify the service, the appropriate prototype, a C linkage, a void return, and a single TPSVCINFO pointer parameter. To specify a function to which a service name can be mapped, you must add the function to the Function Name list. This information is required for the service dispatch table.

Note: If you are using the buildserver(1) command, you can provide this information with the -s option. For more information about the -s option, see Programming BEA Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using C or Programming BEA Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using COBOL.

To add or edit names on the Function Names list:

  1. In the Services folder, choose one of the actions described in the following table.



    Add an item

    1. Click the New icon (broken box with twinkle in the upper left corner).

    2. Click Insert, or select a blank area on the list (that is, a dotted lined box).

    3. Type the name of the new function.

    Modify an existing name

    Highlight the name, and type over it.

    Delete a name

    Highlight the name on the list and click the X icon or click Delete.


  2. When complete, click OK or press Enter to save your changes and exit. (To exit without saving your changes, click Esc or Tab.)

Specifying a Resource Manager

To specify a resource manager:

  1. Select the Resources tab from the BuildTuxedo window. The Resources page is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Resources Page


  2. In the Tuxedo Resource Manager field, type the full pathname of the resource manager for your application.

Note: The Tuxedo Resource Manager field contains a list of BEA Tuxedo resource managers available on the system, as defined in the %TUXDIR%\udataobj\RM file. If the file is not present, a default (NONE) is displayed.


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