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Debugging a BEA Tuxedo ATMI Server Application

To debug a server that has not been booted, complete the following procedure.

Note: You should use this procedure only if you have built the ATMI server application using the Debug configuration for your project.

  1. At any Windows 2000 command prompt, type tmboot -n -d 1 -s servername to display the command-line options used by tmboot(1) to start servername.

  2. Execute the tmboot -M command to boot the BBL. (If necessary, boot additional application servers or machines.)

  3. Select Project—>Settings in msdev.

  4. In the Program Arguments field on the Debug tab, type the command-line options used in step 1.

  5. Start the debugger and start debugging the server application.

    Note: Because BEA Tuxedo libraries are not built with debugging information and source code is not provided, you cannot access the BEA Tuxedo code directly.

  6. To end the debugging session, type tmshutdown at any Windows 2000 command prompt.

    Warning: Do not stop the server by selecting Debug—>Stop; the BEA Tuxedo system may subsequently attempt to restart the server.

Note: To debug a server that is already running, type msdev -p nnn at any Windows 2000 command prompt, replacing nnn with the server's process ID (represented by a decimal number).


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