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Using the Tuxdev Application

To install the Tuxdev application, complete the following procedure:

  1. In the Microsoft Visual C++ (msdev) environment, select


  2. Click the New icon in the Menu contents pane, and type &Tuxdev in the blank box at the end of the Menu Contents box. Then press the Enter key.

    Note: To enable a letter key as a hot key, put an ampersand (&) before the appropriate letter.

  3. On the Tools tab in the Customize dialog box, provide the full pathname of the executable file for the tuxdev application in the Command field. You can provide the pathname in either of two ways:

  4. To change the item displayed on the Tools menu, change the entry in the Menu Contents field.

Note: To create a hot key for a tool, put an ampersand (&) before any letter in the tool name. This enables you to invoke the tool at any time simply by typing that letter.

  1. In the Initial Directory field, click the right arrow button. A pop-up menu is displayed. Select Current Directory from the pop-up menu ($(CurDir)).


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