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tuxtypes—Buffer type switch; descriptions of buffer types provided by the BEA Tuxedo system


Default Buffer Type Switch

* The following definitions are specified in
* $TUXDIR/lib/tmtypesw.c

#include "tmtypes.h"

* Initialization of the buffer type switch.

struct tmtype_sw_t tm_typesw[] = {
"CARRAY", /* type */
"*", /* subtype */
0 /* dfltsize */},
} ,
"STRING", /* type */
"*", /* subtype */
512, /* dfltsize */
NULL, /* initbuf */
NULL, /* reinitbuf */
NULL, /* uninitbuf */
_strpresend, /* presend */
NULL, /* postsend */
NULL, /* postrecv */
_strencdec, /* encdec */
NULL, /* route */
_sfilter, /* filter */
_sformat, /* format */},
"FML", /* type */
"*", /* subtype */
1024, /* dfltsize */
_finit, /* initbuf */
_freinit, /* reinitbuf */
_funinit, /* uninitbuf */
_fpresend, /* presend */
_fpostsend, /* postsend */
_fpostrecv, /* postrecv */
_fencdec, /* encdec */
_froute, /* route */
_ffilter, /* filter */
_fformat, /* format */},
NULL, /* presend2 */
"VIEW", /* type */
"*", /* subtype */
1024, /* dfltsize */
_vinit, /* initbuf */
_vreinit, /* reinitbuf */
NULL, /* uninitbuf */
_vpresend, /* presend */
NULL, /* postsend */
NULL, /* postrecv */
_vencdec, /* encdec */
_vroute, /* route */
_vfilter, /* filter */
_vformat, /* format */
/* XATMI - identical to CARRAY */
"X_OCTET", /* type */
"*", /* subtype */
0 /* dfltsize */
{ /* XATMI - identical to VIEW */
{'X','_','C','_','T','Y','P','E'}, /* type */
"*", /* subtype */
1024, /* dfltsize */
_vinit, /* initbuf */
_vreinit, /* reinitbuf */
NULL, /* uninitbuf */
_vpresend, /* presend */
NULL, /* postsend */
NULL, /* postrecv */
_vencdec, /* encdec */
_vroute, /* route */
_vfilter, /* filter */
_vformat, /* format */
/* XATMI - identical to VIEW */
{'X','_','C','O','M','M','O','N'}, /* type */
"*", /* subtype */
1024, /* dfltsize */
_vinit, /* initbuf */
_vreinit, /* reinitbuf */
NULL, /* uninitbuf */
_vpresend, /* presend */
NULL, /* postsend */
NULL, /* postrecv */
_vencdec, /* encdec */
_vroute, /* route */
_vfilter, /* filter */
_vformat, /* format */
"FML32", /* type */
"*", /* subtype */
1024, /* dfltsize */
_finit32, /* initbuf */
_freinit32, /* reinitbuf */
_funinit32, /* uninitbuf */
_fpresend32, /* presend */
_fpostsend32, /* postsend */
_fpostrecv32, /* postrecv */
_fencdec32, /* encdec */
_froute32, /* route */
_ffilter32, /* filter */
_fformat32, /* format */
_fpresend232 /* presend2 */


The following table lists the ten buffer types provided by the BEA Tuxedo system.


Character array (possibly containing NULL characters) that is neither encoded nor decoded during transmission


NULL-terminated character array


FML fielded buffer


Buffer for XML documents


C structure or FML view


Equivalent to CARRAY; provided for XATMI compatibility


Equivalent to VIEW; provided for XATMI compatibility


Equivalent to VIEW; provided for XATMI compatibility


FML32 fielded buffer, using 32-bit identifiers and offsets


C structure or FML32 view, using 32-bit identifiers, counter variables, and size variables


Note that all VIEW, X_C_TYPE, and X_COMMON buffers are handled by the same set of routines; the name of a particular view is its subtype name.

An application programmer who wants to supply a custom buffer type can do so by adding an instance to the tm_typesw array shown above. Whenever a new buffer type is added or one is deleted, care should be taken to leave a NULL entry at the end of the array as shown above. Note that a buffer type with a NULL name is not permitted.

A copy of the default array is delivered in $TUXDIR/lib/tmtypesw.c, and may be used as a starting point. The recommended procedure for installing a new buffer type switch is to compile tmtypesw.c and store it as the only element in a library named libbuft.

On systems with shared object capability, build and install a new instance of under $TUXDIR/lib. All processes, including BEA Tuxedo system processes like WSH, will then automatically have access to the new type switch without recompilation. On a Windows workstation, the shared object for the buffer type switch is named WBUFT.DLL. It should be stored in $TUXDIR\bin.

On systems without shared object capability, build and install a new instance of libbuft.a under $TUXDIR/lib. All processes needing to know about the new types must then be rebuilt, using buildclient(1) or buildserver(1). System processes like WSH may need to be rebuilt using special commands such as buildwsh(1).

See buffer(3c) for a description of the elements and routines in the buffer type switch. Also found there is a description of built in routines provided by the BEA Tuxedo system (for example, _finit()) that applications can use when changing the system-provided buffer types.

The three routing functions provided by the system, _froute(), _vroute(), and _xroute(), are used for data-dependent routing of FML buffers, VIEW buffers, and XML buffers, respectively. See UBBCONFIG(5) for instructions on defining the routing criteria to be used by these three functions.


$TUXDIR/tuxedo/include/tmtypes.h—the type switch definition
$TUXDIR/lib/tmtypesw.c—the default type switch instantiation
$TUXDIR/lib/—type switch shared object
$TUXDIR/lib/libbuft.a—type switch archive library

See Also

buffer(3c), typesw(5), UBBCONFIG(5)


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