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Setting the BEA Tuxedo Registry

The application administrator needs to know about the BEA Tuxedo registry if the ATMI application is to be configured with one or more custom security capabilities. On the other hand, if the ATMI application is to be configured only with default security, the BEA Tuxedo registry does not need to be changed.

The BEA Tuxedo registry is a disk-based repository for storing information related to plug-in modules. Initially, this registry holds registration information about the default security plug-ins.

Purpose of the BEA Tuxedo Registry

Most BEA middleware products use a common transaction processing (TP) infrastructure that consists of a set of core services, such as security. The TP infrastructure is available to ATMI applications through well defined interfaces. These interfaces allow application administrators to change the default behavior of the TP infrastructure by loading and linking their own service code modules, referred to as plug-in modules or simply plug-ins.

The first step in loading a plug-in is to register the plug-in with the host operating system. Registering a plug-in adds an entry for the plug-in to the BEA Tuxedo registry, which is a set of binary files that stores information about active plug-ins. There is one registry per BEA Tuxedo installation.

Every Workstation client and server machine in an ATMI application must use the same set of plug-in modules.

Registering Plug-ins

The administrator of an ATMI application in which custom plug-ins will be used is responsible for registering those plug-ins and performing other registry related tasks. An administer can register plug-ins in the BEA Tuxedo registry only from the local machine. That is, an administrator cannot register plug-ins while logged on to the host machine from a remote location.

Three commands are available for administering plug-ins:

Instructions for using these commands are available in Developing Security Services for ATMI and CORBA Environments. (This document contains the specifications for the security plug-in interface, and describes the plug-in framework feature that makes the dynamic loading and linking of security plug-in modules possible.) Also, when installing custom plug-ins, the supplying third-party security vendor should provide instructions for using these commands to set up the BEA Tuxedo registry to access the custom plug-ins.

For more information about security plug-ins, including installation and configuration procedures, see your BEA account executive.

See Also


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