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Configuring an ATMI Application for Security

An application administrator configures security for the ATMI application on the MASTER machine when the application is inactive. The underlying BEA Tuxedo system propagates the configuration information to the other machines in the ATMI application when the application is booted.

As the administrator, you can configure security for your ATMI application by:

The set of security parameters involved depends upon the security capability (authentication, authorization, link-level encryption, or public key) and whether you are using the default or custom security software.

Editing the Configuration File

You can edit the UBBCONFIG configuration file to set security policies for an ATMI application. The UBBCONFIG configuration file may have any filename, as long as the content of the file conforms to the format described on the UBBCONFIG(5) reference page in the File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference.

For more details about UBBCONFIG and its binary equivalent, TUXCONFIG, see About the Configuration File and Creating the Configuration File in Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application.

Changing the TM_MIB

The TM_MIB defines a set of classes through which the fundamental aspects of an ATMI application may be configured and managed. Separate classes are designated for machines, servers, networks, and so on. You should use the reference page TM_MIB(5) in combination with the generic Management Information Base (MIB) reference page MIB(5) to format administrative requests and interpret administrative replies. The MIB reference pages are defined in the File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference.

Other component MIBs, including the ACL_MIB, DM_MIB, and WS_MIB, also play a role in managing security for an ATMI application. The reference page ACL_MIB(5) defines the ACL_MIB, the reference page DM_MIB(5) defines the DM_MIB, and the reference page WS_MIB(5) defines the WS_MIB.

For more information about BEA Tuxedo MIBs, start with MIB(5) in the File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference. Also, see Introducing BEA Tuxedo ATMI.

Using the BEA Administration Console

You can also use the BEA Administration Console to change security policies for an ATMI application. The BEA Administration Console is a Web-based tool used to configure, monitor, and dynamically re-configure an application.

For details about the BEA Administration Console, see Introducing BEA Tuxedo ATMI.

See Also


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