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Security Prerequisites

The BEA TOP END Security Services Product, version 3.0, is required for security between BEA TOP END and BEA Tuxedo systems. The product must be installed on all BEA TOP END nodes and on any BEA Tuxedo node running a TEDG that has been configured for security.

On the Windows 2000 platform, the BEA TOP END Base product is a prerequisite for installation of the BEA TOP END Security Services product. Therefore, both the BEA TOP END Base product and the BEA TOP END Security Services product must be installed on a Windows 2000 machine that is being used as a BEA Tuxedo node running a TEDG that has been configured for security. Under these circumstances, both products must be installed even if you will not be running a BEA TOP END application on the Windows 2000 machine.


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