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Using BEA TOP END Security Administration Tools to Authorize Intersystem Access

After each system generation on the BEA TOP END administration node, add the new BEA Tuxedo services to the BEA TOP END product and function lists. Updating these lists makes it possible to use the tpsecure(1T) utility to authorize BEA TOP END users to access BEA Tuxedo services and queues.

  1. The file $TOPENDADM/admin/$TP_SYSTEM/product.lst contains a list of products defined for the BEA TOP END system and is used to provide choices from which the tpsecure(1T) user may select. If they are not included, add the following names to the list:

    1. The product name for each SERVICE entry in the DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section that specifies a TE_PRODUCT and TE_FUNCTION parameter.

    2. The RTQ group name for each QSPACE entry in the DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section that specifies a TE_RTQGROUP and TE_RTQNAME parameter.

  2. The file $TOPENDADM/admin/$TP_SYSTEM/prodname.fnc, where prodname is the product name, contains a list of the functions defined for the product in the BEA TOP END system, and is used to provide choices from which the tpsecure(1T) user may select. If the list of functions is incomplete, update it as follows:

    1. Add the function name for each SERVICE entry in the DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section that specifies a TE_PRODUCT and TE_FUNCTION parameter to the list of functions for the corresponding product.

    2. Add the RTQ queue name (TE_RTQNAME) for each QSPACE entry in the DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section that specifies a TE_RTQGROUP and TE_RTQNAME parameter to the list of functions for the corresponding product (TE_RTQGROUP).

      Note: BEA TOP END security requires a UNIX administration node. Hence these files reside only on UNIX systems.

  3. Use the BEA TOP END tpsecure(1T) utility on the BEA TOP END administration node to do the following:

See Also


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