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   Tuxedo Documentation   |   Using the BEA Tuxedo TOP END Domain Gateway   |   Local Topics   |   Previous Topic   |   Next Topic   |   Contents


Editing the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS Section

This section describes the environment required for a particular domain gateway group. Here a logical application name, LDOM, is assigned to the subset of local services that can be accessed by remote domains. Multiple entries in this section are used to define multiple gateway groups within a single BEA Tuxedo application. Each entry specifies the parameters required for the Domains gateway running in that group.

Entries in this section have the form:

LDOM required_parameters [optional_parameters]

where LDOM is an identifier value used to name the local domain. For the TEDG, each LDOM defines a gateway process that is part of a single BEA TOP END system. The LDOM communicates with remote domains of type TOPEND that are part of the same BEA TOP END system. (The BEA TOP END system name is defined in the DM_TOPEND section of DMCONFIG.)

For a description of the syntax required for parameters specified in this section, see DMCONFIG for GWTOPEND(5) in theFile Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference.

Defining the Required Parameters

The parameters required in this section are listed in the following table.

Required Parameters in DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS

Required Parameter



Specifies the name of the gateway server group (as defined in the UBBCONFIG file) representing this local domain. There is a one-to-one relationship between a DOMAINID and the name of the gateway server group.


Used for grouping local domains into classes. Valid entries are TDOMAIN, SNAX, OSITP, and TOPEND.

For the TEDG, set this value to TOPEND.


Used to identify the local domain. The TEDG uses the local domain DOMAINID as the BEA TOP END user ID for requests made to the BEA TOP END system. Define the associated password using the dmadmin subcommand topendpasswd. Refer to Using the dmadmin Command Interpreter for information on using the dmadmin command. The DOMAINID must be unique across both local and remote domains.


Defining the Optional Parameters

Optional parameters describe the resources and limits used in the operation of domain gateways. These parameters, which are defined in detail in the DMCONFIG for GWTOPEND(5) reference page, are listed in the following table.

Optional Parameters in DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS

This Parameter. . .

Specifies . . .


The name of the audit log for this local domain.


The maximum wait time allowed for blocking a call.


The conditions under which a local domain gateway tries to establish a connection to a remote domain.

Details on this parameter are provided in Establishing Connections Between BEA Tuxedo and BEA TOP END Systems.


The BEA Tuxedo file system that contains the Domains transaction log (DMTLOG) for this machine.


The name of the Domains transaction log for this domain.


The numeric size, in pages, of the Domains transaction log for this machine.


The maximum number of domains that can be involved in a transaction.


The maximum number of times that a domain gateway tries to establish a connection to a remote domain before quitting.


The maximum number of simultaneous global transactions allowed on this local domain.


The number of seconds between automatic attempts (all network addresses tried) to establish a connection to a remote domain.


The type of security to be used by the TEDG. Details on this parameter are provided in Defining Security in the DMCONFIG File.


See Also


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