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Editing the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES Section

The DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section defines the mapping information required to make BEA TOP END services, RTQ queues, and services accessed via RTQ available to a BEA Tuxedo application. This section is required for TOP END Domain Gateways.

In DMCONFIG files written for domain gateways other than the TEDG, the purpose of entries in the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section is to map local services to remote names for those services. In a DMCONFIG file written for the TEDG, however, the purpose of entries in this section is to map:

For BEA Tuxedo and BEA TOP END systems to exchange queue messages, there must be a mapping of the queue addresses on both systems. The address of a BEA Tuxedo /Q queue consists of a combination of queue space (QSPACE) and queue name (QNAME).

Defining Service and Queue Mapping Entries

The entries in this section must adhere to the following form.

service [TYPE=SERVICE] required_parameters [optional_parameters]
qspace TYPE=QSPACE required_parameters [optional_parameters]
qname TYPE=QNAME required_parameters [optional_parameters]


Configuration Guidelines for the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES

Observe the following guidelines when editing the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section of the DMCONFIG file.

Defining the Service Type Parameters

A SERVICE entry defines BEA TOP END services that are accessible from a BEA Tuxedo domain via the TEDG. These BEA TOP END services are made accessible by mapping BEA Tuxedo service names to BEA TOP END service identifiers. These service names are used with two BEA Tuxedo functions:tpcall(3c) and tpacall(3c).

The following table lists the parameters available for mapping entries of type SERVICE in the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section. Some parameters are required; others are optional.

Parameters of SERVICE Type Entries in DM_REMOTE_SERVICES

This Parameter . . .

Defines . . .



The BEA TOP END product name.



The BEA TOP END function name.



The BEA TOP END MSR target.



The BEA TOP END function qualifier.



A type for this entry. The value SERVICE means that the purpose of this entry is to define the parameters available when mapping a BEA TOP END service to a local BEA Tuxedo service.



The name of the local domain importing this service. If you do not specify this parameter, then the entry applies to all the local domains of type TOPEND that are defined in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section.



The name of the remote domain providing this service. The remote domain must be of type TOPEND and it must belong to the TP_SYSTEM to which the local domain (that is, the domain to which this entry applies) belongs. If you do not specify the RDOM parameter and routing criteria, the local domain assumes that any remote domain of type TOPEND with the same TP_SYSTEM value as the local domain provides the service.

To configure alternate remote domains using this parameter, you must specify ON_STARTUP as the value of the CONNECTION_POLICY parameter in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section.



The input buffer type allowed for this service. You can restrict the input buffer type by setting one of the following values: FML32, CARRAY, or X_OCTET.



The output buffer type accepted from this service. You can restrict this to one of the following buffer types: FML32, CARRAY, or X_OCTET.



Request/Response or conversational service mapping. If this value is set to Y, the BEA TOP END server application must manage a pseudo-conversation that may or may not maintain application context. The default is N.



The default timeout value, in seconds, for a transaction automatically started for the associated service.



The name of the criteria used by a local domain for data-dependent routing when more than one remote domain offers the same service. If you do not specify this parameter, data-dependent routing is not done for this service.



Defining QSPACE Type Parameters

A QSPACE entry defines a BEA TOP END RTQ queue that is made available in the BEA Tuxedo domain by the TEDG as if it were a BEA Tuxedo queue space. Queue spaces are made available in a BEA Tuxedo application by advertising the queue space name as a BEA Tuxedo service name. In a manner similar to that used by the TMQUEUE server, the TEDG handles tpenqueue requests sent to its queue space names. Each request is mapped to the RTQ queue identified in this QSPACE entry. Both QSPACE entries and QNAME entries are required for message queuing.

The following table lists the parameters available for mapping entries of type QSPACE in the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section. Some parameters are required; others are optional.

Parameters of QSPACE Type Entries in DM_REMOTE_SERVICES

This Parameter . . .

Defines . . .



A type for this entry. The value QSPACE means that the purpose of this entry is to define the parameters available when mapping a BEA TOP END RTQ queue to a local BEA Tuxedo queue space.



The BEA TOP END RTQ group name.



The BEA TOP END RTQ queue name.



The BEA TOP END MSR target.



The name of the local domain importing this RTQ queue. If you do not specify this parameter, then the entry applies to all the local domains of type TOPEND that are defined in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section.



The name of the remote domain providing this RTQ queue. The remote domain must be of type TOPEND and it must belong to the same TP_SYSTEM to which the local domain (that is, the domain to which this entry applies) belongs. If you do not specify the RDOM parameter and routing criteria, the local domain assumes that any remote domain of type TOPEND with the same TP_SYSTEM value as the local domain provides the service.

To configure alternate remote domains using this parameter, you must specify ON_STARTUP as the value of the CONNECTION_POLICY parameter in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section.



The default timeout value, in seconds, for a transaction automatically started for the associated service.



The name of the criteria used by a local domain for data-dependent routing when more than one remote domain offers the same service. If you do not specify this parameter, data-dependent routing is not done for this service.



Defining QNAME Type Parameters

A QNAME entry maps a BEA Tuxedo queue name to a BEA TOP END service (product and function) for requests enqueued to a BEA TOP END system. QNAME entries are not advertised as services to a BEA Tuxedo application.

The following table lists the parameters available for mapping entries of type QNAME in the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section. Some parameters are required; others are optional.

Parameters of QNAME Type Entries in DM_REMOTE_SERVICES

This Parameter . . .

Defines . . .



A type for this entry. The value QNAME means that the purpose of this entry is to define the parameters available when mapping a BEA Tuxedo queue name to a BEA TOP END service name for requests enqueued to a BEA TOP END system via /Q.



The BEA TOP END product name.



The BEA TOP END function name.



The BEA TOP END MSR target.



The BEA TOP END function qualifier.



The name of the local domain to which the queue name entry applies. If you do not specify this parameter, then the entry applies to all the local domains of type TOPEND that are defined in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section.



See Also


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