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   Tuxedo Documentation   |   Programming BEA Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using TxRPC   |   Local Topics   |   Previous Topic   |   Next Topic   |   Contents


Administering the Application

RPC servers appear as Request/Response servers in the administration interfaces. As mentioned above, tmconfig can be used for dynamic reconfiguration of RPC servers and services, as described in tmconfig, wtmconfig(1) in the BEA Tuxedo Command Reference. The tmadmin(1) command can be used to monitor RPC servers. The RPC server name and associated run-time information (for example, services or operations run, load, and so forth) can be printed using the tmadmin printserver command. The RPC services (interfaces) that are available can be printed using printservice. For samples of the output, see the example in Appendix A, "A Sample Application."


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