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   Tuxedo Documentation   |   Programming BEA Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using TxRPC   |   Local Topics   |   Previous Topic   |   Next Topic   |   Contents


Using Dynamic Service Advertisement

RPC services can be dynamically controlled in the same way that Request/Response services can be controlled. Remember that the service name is not the operation name, but the interface name and version number, as described earlier. Generally, the service name is specified at the time that buildserver(1) is run using the -s option and automatically advertised when the server is booted with the -A option. Service (interface) names can be dynamically advertised either from tmadmin using the adv command or from within the server using the tpadvertise(3c) function. Service (interface) names can be dynamically unadvertised either from tmadmin using the unadv command or from within the server using the tpunadvertise(3c) function. Service names can also be temporarily suspended and unsuspended (resumed) from tmadmin(1). Note that unadvertising or suspending a service name makes all operations defined in the associated interface unavailable.


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