
Administering a Tuxedo Application at Run Time

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The Bootstrap object constructor.

C++ Mapping

Tobj_Bootstrap(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, const char* address);
throws Tobj::BAD_PARAM



A pointer to the ORB object in the client. The Bootstrap object uses the string_to_object method of orb internally.


The address of the BEA Tuxedo domain IIOP Listener/Handler. The address is specified differently depending on the type of client and the level of security required. There can be three types of clients, as follows:

Note: The hostname must begin with a letter character.

In the second format, the #.#.#.# is in dotted decimal format. In dotted decimal format, each # should be a number from 0 to 255. This dotted decimal number represents the IP address of the remote machine.

In both the first and second formats, port_number is the TCP port number at which the domain process listens for incoming requests. The port_number should be a number between 0 and 65535.

You can specify one or more TCP/IP addresses. You specify multiple addresses using a comma-separated list. For example:



If you specify multiple addresses, the BEA Tuxedo software tries the addresses in order, left to right, until a connection is established. If a syntax error is detected in any of the addresses as it is being tried, a BAD_PARAM exception is returned to the caller immediately and the BEA Tuxedo software aborts the attempt to make a connection. For example, if the first address in the comma-separated list shown above were //m1.3050, a syntax error would be detected and the attempt to make a connection would be aborted. If the BEA Tuxedo software encounters the end of the address list before it tries an address that is valid, that is, a connection cannot be made to any of the addresses listed, the INVALID_DOMAIN exception is returned to the caller. If an exception other than INVALID_DOMAIN is raised, it is returned to the caller immediately.

BEA Tuxedo also supports random address selection. To use random address selection, you can specify any member of an address list as a grouping of pipe-separated (|) network addresses enclosed in parentheses. For example:


When you use this format, the BEA Tuxedo system randomly selects one of the addresses enclosed in parentheses, either //m1.acme:3050 or //m2.acme:3050. If an exception other than INVALID_DOMAIN is raised, it is returned to the caller immediately. If a connection cannot be made to the address selected, the next element that follows the addresses enclosed in parentheses is attempted. If the end of the string is encountered before a connection can be made, the INVALID_DOMAIN exception is thrown to the caller.

Note: If you specify an address list in the following format:


the NULL address in the pipe-separated list is considered invalid. If the BEA Tuxedo software randomly selects the invalid address, the BAD_PARAM exception is returned to the caller and the BEA Tuxedo software aborts the connection attempt.

The address string can be specified either in the TOBJADDR environment variable or in the address parameter of the Tobj_Bootstrap constructor.

For information about the TOBJADDR environment variable, see the section Managing Remote Client Applications in the Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application. However, the address specified in Tobj_Bootstrap always take precedence over the TOBJADDR environment variable. To use the TOBJADDR environment variable to specify an address string, you must specify an empty string in the Tobj_Bootstrap address parameter.

Note: For C++ applications, TOBJADDR is an environment variable; for Java applications, it is a property; for Java applets, it is an HTML parameter.

The third and fourth formats are called Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address formats and were introduced in the BEA WebLogic Enterprise version 5.1 release. As with the NULL scheme URL address format (//hostname:port_number), you use the URL address formats to specify the location of the IIOP Listener/Handler. However, when the corbaloc URL address format is used, the client application's initial connection to the IIOP Listener/Handler is deferred until authentication of the principal's, or client's, identity or the first user initiated operation. Using the corbalocs URL address format has the same effect on the deferred connection time as corbaloc, but, additionally, the client application makes its initial connection to the ISL/ISH using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. Table  4-4 highlights the differences between the two URL address formats.


These URL address formats are a subset of the definition of object URLs adopted by the OMG as part of the Interoperable Naming Service submission. The BEA Tuxedo software also extends the URL format described in the OMG Interoperable Naming Service submission to support a secure form that is modeled after the URL for secure HTTP, as well as to support the randomize functionality that was added in the BEA WebLogic Enterprise version 4.2.

The corbaloc and corbalocs URL schemes provide locations that are easily manipulated in both TCP/IP and DNS centric environments. These URL schemes contain a DNS-style hostname or IP address and a port_number. The following are some examples of the URL formats:


As an enhancement to the URL syntax described in the OMG Interoperable Naming Service submission, the BEA WebLogic Enterprise version 5.1 software extended the syntax to support a list of multiple URLs, each with a different scheme. The following are some examples of the extension:


In the above example, if the parser reaches the URL corbaloc://force:1111, it resets its internal state as if it had never attempted secure connections and then begins attempting unprotected connections.

Caution: Do not mix the use of NULL scheme URL addresses (//hostname:port_number) with corbaloc and corbalocs URL addresses.

Note: The Bootstrap object supplied for use with the Netscape embedded Java ORB and JavaSoft JDK ORB does not support corbaloc and corbalocs URLs.

Note: For more information on using the corbaloc and corbalocs URL address formats, see Using Security in CORBA Applications.

Note: The network address that is specified in the Bootstrap constructor or in TOBJADDR must exactly match the network address in the server application's UBBCONFIG file, both the address as well as the capitalization. If the addresses do not match, the invocation to the Bootstrap constructor will fail with the following seemingly unrelated error message:

ERROR: Unofficial connection from client at
<tcp/ip address>/<port-number>

For example, if the network address is specified (using the NULL URL address format) as //TRIXIE:3500 in the ISL command-line option string in the server application's UBBCONFIG file, specifying either // or //trixie:3500 in the Bootstrap constructor or in TOBJADDR will cause the connection attempt to fail. On UNIX systems, use the uname -n command on the host system to determine the capitalization used. On Windows 2000 systems, see the host system's network settings in the Control Panel to determine the correct capitalization.

Note: The error in the previous note is deferred when the URL address format is used, that is, the error does not occur at the time of Bootstrap object construction because the connection to the ISL/ISH is deferred until later.

applet (Applies to Java method only)

This is a pointer to the client applet. If the client applet does not explicitly pass the ISH host and port to the Bootstrap constructor, you can pass this argument, which causes the Bootstrap object to search for the TOBJADDR definition in the HTML file for the applet.



Raised if the object is nil or if the host contained in the object does not match the connection or the host address (//hostname:port_number) is not in a valid format.


A C++ member function (or Java method) that creates Bootstrap objects.

Return Values

A pointer to a newly created Bootstrap object.


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