
Administering a Tuxedo Application at Run Time

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Destroys the Current objects for the domain represented by the Bootstrap object.

C++ Mapping

void destroy_current();


Raises CORBA::NO_PERMISSION if the Bootstrap object is not the owner of the Current objects.


This C++ member function invalidates the Current objects for the domain represented by the Bootstrap object. After invoking the destroy_current() method, the Current objects are marked as invalid. Any subsequent attempt to use the old Current objects will throw the exception CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER. Good programming practice is to release all Current objects before invoking destroy_current().

Note: The destroy_current() method must be invoked on the Bootstrap object for the domain that currently owns the two Current objects (Transaction and Security). This also results in an implicit invocation to logoff for security and implicitly rolls back any transaction that was begun by the client.

The application must invoke destroy_current() before invoking resolve-_initial_references for TransactionCurrent or SecurityCurrent on another domain; otherwise, resolve_initial_references raises CORBA::NO_PERMISSION.

Return Values


Java Methods

The Java BEA bootstrapping API supports the following methods:

For a description of these Java methods, see the Javadoc API.

Automation Methods

This section describes the Automation methods supported by the BEA bootstrapping mechanism.


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