
Administering a Tuxedo Application at Run Time

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Initializes the Bootstrap object into a BEA Tuxedo domain.

MIDL Mapping

HRESULT Initialize(
[in] BSTR host);

Automation Mapping

Sub Initialize(address As String)



The host name and port of the BEA Tuxedo domain IIOP Listener/Handler. One or more TCP/IP addresses can be specified. Multiple addresses are specified using a comma-separated list, as in the C++ mappings. If no address is specified, the value of the TOBJADDR environmental variable is used.

Note: The network address that is specified in the Bootstrap constructor or in TOBJADDR must exactly match the network address in the application's UBBCONFIG file, both the format of the address as well as the capitalization. If the addresses do not match, the invocation to the Bootstrap constructor will fail with the following seemingly unrelated error message:

ERROR: Unofficial connection from client at
<tcp/ip address>/<port-number>

For example, if the network address is specified as //TRIXIE:3500 in the ISL command-line option string, specifying either // or //trixie:3500 in the Bootstrap constructor or in TOBJADDR will cause the connection attempt to fail. On UNIX systems, use the uname -n command on the host system to determine the capitalization used. On Windows systems, see the host system's network settings in the Control Panel to determine the correct capitalization.

Return Values



Table  4-5 describes the exceptions.

Table 4-5 Initialize Exceptions





Bootstrap already initialized

The Bootstrap object has already been initialized. To connect to a new BEA Tuxedo domain, you must create a new Bootstrap object.


Invalid address parameter

The address supplied is not valid.


Memory allocation failed

The required memory could not be allocated.


Invalid domain

Unable to communicate with the BEA Tuxedo domain at the address specified or TOBJADDR is not defined.


Unable to obtain initial object

Unable to initialize the Bootstrap object. The system error causing the failure is returned in the "Number" member of the error object.



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