
Administering a Tuxedo Application at Run Time

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Obtains a list of factory objects currently registered with the FactoryFinder.

C++ Mapping

virtual FactoryListing * list_factories() = 0;

Java Mapping

public com.beasys.Tobj.FactoryComponent[] list_factories()


Indicates that the FactoryFinder or NameManager encountered an internal error while attempting to locate a reference for a factory object.

Error information is written to the user log.

Indicates that the FactoryFinder could not communicate with the NameManager.

Error information is written to the user log.


The list_factories method is called by an application to obtain a list of the factory objects currently registered with the FactoryFinder. The method returns both the key used to register the factory, as well as a reference to the factory object.

Return Values

An unbounded sequence of Tobj::FactoryComponent. Each occurrence of a Tobj::FactoryComponent in the sequence contains a reference to the registered factory object, as well as the CosLifeCycle::Key that was used to register that factory object.

If the operation raises an exception, the return value is invalid and does not need to be released by the caller.


Automation Methods

This section describes the DITobj_FactoryFinder Automation methods.



An optional input argument that enables the application to get additional exception data if an error occurred.


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