
Administering a Tuxedo Application at Run Time

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Obtains a single application factory.

MIDL Mapping

HRESULT find_one_factory_by_id(
[in] BSTR factory_id,
[in,out,optional] VARIANT* exceptionInfo,
[out,retval] IDispatch** returnValue);

Automation Mapping

Function find_one_factory_by_id(factory_id As String,
[exceptionInfo]) As Object



This parameter represents a string identifier that is used to identify the kind or type of application factory. For some suggestions as to the composition of this string, see Creating CORBA Server Applications.


An optional input argument that enables the application to get additional exception data if an error occurred.



This exception is raised if the FactoryFinder cannot find an application factory object reference that corresponds to the input factory_id.


This member function instructs the FactoryFinder to return one application factory object reference whose id in the key matches the method's input factory_id. performs an equality match (that is, the input factory_id must exactly match the id in the <id,kind> pair in the application factory's key). If multiple factory keys contain the input factory_id, the FactoryFinder selects one factory key, based on an internally defined load balancing scheme. Invoking find_one_factory_by_id multiple times using the same id may return different object references.

Return Values


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