
File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference

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This section, also known as the DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section, defines one or more remote domain access point identifiers and their characteristics.

Entries within the DM_REMOTE section have the following form:

RemoteAccessPoint required_parameters [optional_parameters]

where RemoteAccessPoint is a remote domain access point identifier (logical name) that you choose to identify each remote domain known to the local BEA Tuxedo application. RemoteAccessPoint must be unique across the local and remote domains involved in a Domains configuration. As you will see in the description of the DM_IMPORT section, you use a remote domain access point to associate remote services with a particular remote domain. The remote services available through the remote domain access point will be available to clients in the local domain through a remote domain access point and a local domain access point.

Required parameters for the DM_REMOTE section

TYPE = identifier

Specifies the type of local domain gateway needed to communicate with the remote domain associated with this remote domain access point. TYPE can be set to one of the following values: TDOMAIN, TOPEND, SNAX, OSITP, or OSITPX.

The TDOMAIN value indicates that a local instance of the GWTDOMAIN process will communicate with a remote BEA Tuxedo application.

The TOPEND value indicates that a local instance of the GWTOPEND process will communicate with a remote BEA TOP END system.

The SNAX value indicates that a local instance of the GWSNAX process will communicate with a remote TP domain via the SNA protocol.

The OSITP value indicates that a local instance of the GWOSITP process will communicate with a remote TP domain via the OSI TP 1.3 protocol.

The OSITPX value indicates that a local instance of the GWOSITP process will communicate with a remote TP domain via the OSI TP 4.0 or later protocol. The OSITPX value is supported only by BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or later software.

ACCESSPOINTID (also known as DOMAINID) = string[1..30]

Used to identify the remote domain associated with this remote domain access point for purposes of security when setting up a connection to the remote domain. For a local domain gateway of type TDOMAIN, this value may also be used by the TDomain gateway (local instance of the GWTDOMAIN process) as the user ID for incoming requests from this remote domain access point connection. ACCESSPOINTID must be unique across local and remote domain access points.

ACCESSPOINTID must be 30 bytes or fewer in length. If the value is a string, it must be 30 characters or fewer (counting the trailing NULL). The value of string can be a sequence of characters or a sequence of hexadecimal digits preceded by 0x.

Optional parameters for the DM_REMOTE section

The following optional parameters for the DM_REMOTE section describe resources and limits used in the operation of the local domain gateways:


Specifies the access control list (ACL) policy for this remote domain access point. This parameter applies only to domain gateways of type TDOMAIN running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software and domain gateways of type OSITPX running BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or later software.

LOCAL means that the local domain replaces the credential (identity) of any service request received from the remote domain with the principal name specified in the LOCAL_PRINCIPAL_NAME parameter for this remote domain access point. GLOBAL means that the local domain does not replace the credential received with a remote service request; if no credential is received with a remote service request, the local domain forwards the service request to the local service as is (which usually fails). If this parameter is not specified, the default is LOCAL.

Note that the ACL_POLICY parameter controls whether or not the local domain replaces the credential of a service request received from a remote domain with the principal name specified in the LOCAL_PRINCIPAL_NAME parameter. The CREDENTIAL_POLICY parameter is related to this parameter and controls whether or not the local domain removes the credential from a local service request before sending the request to a remote domain.

LOCAL_PRINCIPAL_NAME = string[0..511]

The local principal name identifier (credential) assigned by the local domain to service requests received from the remote domain when the ACL_POLICY parameter for this remote domain access point is set (or defaulted) to LOCAL. This parameter applies only to domain gateways of type TDOMAIN running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software and domain gateways of type OSITPX running BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or later software.

The LOCAL_PRINCIPAL_NAME parameter may contain a maximum of 511 characters (excluding the terminating NULL character). If this parameter is not specified, the local principal name defaults to the ACCESSPOINTID string for this remote domain access point.


Specifies the connection principal name identifier, which is the principal name for verifying the identity of this remote domain access point when establishing a connection to the local domain. This parameter applies only to domain gateways of type TDOMAIN running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software.

The CONNECTION_PRINCIPAL_NAME parameter may contain a maximum of 511 characters (excluding the terminating NULL character). If this parameter is not specified, the connection principal name defaults to the ACCESSPOINTID string for this remote domain access point.

For default authentication plug-ins, if a value is assigned to the CONNECTION_PRINCIPAL_NAME parameter for this remote domain access point, it must be the same as the value assigned to the ACCESSPOINTID parameter for this remote domain access point. If these values do not match, any attempt to set up a connection between the local TDomain gateway and the remote TDomain gateway will fail, and the system will generate the following userlog(3c) message: ERROR: Unable to initialize administration key for domain domain_name.


Specifies the credential policy for this remote domain access point. This parameter applies only to domain gateways of type TDOMAIN running BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or later software.

LOCAL means that the local domain removes the credential (identity) from a local service request destined for this remote domain access point. GLOBAL means that the local domain does not remove the credential from a local service request destined for this remote domain access point. If this parameter is not specified, the default is LOCAL.

Note that the CREDENTIAL_POLICY parameter controls whether or not the local domain removes the credential from a local service request before sending the request to a remote domain. The ACL_POLICY parameter is related to this parameter and controls whether or not the local domain replaces the credential of a service request received from a remote domain with the principal name specified in the LOCAL_PRINCIPAL_NAME parameter.

MTYPE = string[1..15]

Used for grouping domains so that encoding/decoding of messages can be bypassed between the machine associated with this remote domain access point and the machine associated with the local domain access point. This parameter applies only to domain gateways of type TDOMAIN.

If MTYPE is not specified, the default is to turn encoding/decoding on. If the value set for the MTYPE field is the same in both the DM_LOCAL and the DM_REMOTE section of a DMCONFIG file, data encoding/decoding is bypassed. The value set for MTYPE can be any string value up to 15 characters. It is used only for comparison.


INPRIORITY = numeric

Together, the PRIORITY_TYPE and INPRIORITY parameters specify the message priority handling for this remote domain access point. These parameters are supported by BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or later software.

For the PRIORITY_TYPE parameter, the LOCAL_RELATIVE and LOCAL_ABSOLUTE values are valid for all remote domain types; the GLOBAL value is valid only for remote domains of type TDOMAIN. If not set, the PRIORITY_TYPE parameter defaults to LOCAL_RELATIVE.

PRIORITY_TYPE=LOCAL_RELATIVE means that the priority associated with a request from this remote domain access point (for example, via the tpsprio call) is not used by the local domain. Instead, the priority of incoming requests from this remote domain access point is set relative to the INPRIORITY value; this value may be greater than or equal to -99 (lowest priority) and less than or equal to 99 (highest priority), with 0 being the default. The setting of INPRIORITY increments or decrements a service's default priority as follows: up to a maximum of 100 or down to a minimum of 1, depending on its sign, where 100 is the highest priority. For requests to the remote domain access point, the priority associated with a request will accompany the request to the remote domain access point.

PRIORITY_TYPE=LOCAL_ABSOLUTE means that the priority associated with a request from this remote domain access point is not used by the local domain. Instead, the priority of incoming requests from this remote domain access point is set relative to the INPRIORITY value; this value may be greater than or equal to 1 (lowest priority) and less than or equal to 100 (highest priority), with 50 being the default. The setting of INPRIORITY increments or decrements a service's default priority as follows: up to a maximum of 100 or down to a minimum of 1, depending on its sign, where 100 is the highest priority. For requests to the remote domain access point, the priority associated with a request will accompany the request to the remote domain access point.

PRIORITY_TYPE=GLOBAL means that the priority associated with a request from this remote domain access point is adjusted by the local domain. The priority of incoming requests from this remote domain access point is adjusted relative to the INPRIORITY value; this value may be greater than or equal to -99 (lowest priority) and less than or equal to 99 (highest priority), with 0 being the default. If INPRIORITY is set, the priority accompanying the incoming request is added to the INPRIORITY value to create an absolute priority setting for the incoming request. If INPRIORITY is not set or is set to 0, the priority accompanying the incoming request is used as is by the local domain. For requests to the remote domain access point, the priority associated with a request will accompany the request to the remote domain access point.

Non-TDomain parameters for the DM_REMOTE section

The following DM_REMOTE section parameter does not apply to domain gateways of type TDOMAIN but is included here for completeness:

CODEPAGE = string — applicable to domain gateways of type SNAX and OSITPX

For detailed descriptions of SNAX and OSITPX parameters, see BEA eLink Documentation .


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