
File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference

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This section, also known as the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section, provides information on services imported and available to the local domain through remote domain access points defined in the DM_REMOTE section. If the DM_IMPORT section is absent, or is present but empty, no remote services are available to the local domain.

A remote service is a service made available to the local domain through a remote domain access point and a local domain access point.

Entries within the DM_IMPORT section have the following form:

service [optional_parameters]

where service is the identifier name advertised by the local BEA Tuxedo application for a particular remote service; it must be 15 characters or fewer in length. A remote service may be imported from one or more remote domains.

A remote BEA Tuxedo service made available to the local domain inherits many of its properties from the SERVICES section of the remote TUXCONFIG file, or their defaults. Some of the properties that may be inherited are LOAD, PRIO, AUTOTRAN, ROUTING, BUFTYPE, and TRANTIME.

Optional parameters for the DM_IMPORT section

RACCESSPOINT (also known as RDOM) =

Specifies the remote domain access point through which this service is imported. If a remote domain access point is specified for this service and a local domain access point is specified (using the LACCESSPOINT parameter) for this service, only the named local domain access point is allowed to send local requests to this remote service through the named remote domain access point.

If a remote domain access point is specified for this service but no local domain access point is specified, any local domain access point defined in the DM_LOCAL section having the same gateway type (TDOMAIN, ...) as the remote domain access point is allowed to send local requests to this remote service through the named remote domain access point.

If no remote domain access point is specified for this service and no local domain access point is specified, any local domain access point defined in the DM_LOCAL section may send requests to this service through any remote domain access point defined in the DM_REMOTE section.

If you want to configure alternate remote domain access points with the identifier2 and identifier3 arguments, you must specify ON_STARTUP as the value of the CONNECTION_POLICY parameter in the DM_LOCAL section. (CONNECTION_POLICY may also be specified in the DM_TDOMAIN section for a BEA Tuxedo 8.1 or later application.) If identifier2 is configured, it is used for failover: When the remote domain associated with identifier1 is unavailable, the remote domain associated with identifier2 is used. Similarly, if identifier3 is configured, it is used for failover: When the remote domains associated with identifier1 and identifier2 are unavailable, the remote domain associated with identifier3 is used.

LACCESSPOINT (also known as LDOM) = identifier

Specifies the name of a local domain access point that is allowed to send requests to this remote service. The gateway group associated with this local domain access point advertises the name—the service identifier—of the remote service in the BEA Tuxedo system bulletin board.

CONV = {Y | N}

Specifies whether (Y) or not (N) this remote service is a conversational service. The default is N.

LOAD = numeric

Specifies the service load for this remote service. The value must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 32767. The default is 50. Interface loads are used for load balancing purposes, that is, queues with higher enqueued workloads are less likely to be chosen for a new request.

RNAME = string[1..30]

Specifies an alternative identity, or "alias," for the name of this remote service to the local domain. This name will be used by the local domain to request this service. If this parameter is not specified, the actual name of this remote service name—the service identifier—is the name used by the local domain to request this service.

ROUTING = identifier

Specifies the name of the routing criteria table used for data-dependent routing for this remote service. When more than one remote domain access point offers the same service, a local domain access point can perform data-dependent routing if this optional parameter is specified. If this parameter is not specified, data-dependent routing is not used for this service.

The identifier is a ROUTING_CRITERIA_NAME defined in the DM_ROUTING section. The value of identifier must be 15 characters or less in length. If multiple entries for the same service name are included with different remote domain access points (specified using the RACCESSPOINT parameter), the value of the ROUTING parameter should be the same for all of these entries.

Non-TDomain parameters for the DM_IMPORT section

The following DM_IMPORT section parameters do not apply to domain gateways of type TDOMAIN but are included here for completeness:

For detailed descriptions of TOPEND parameters, see DMCONFIG for GWTOPEND(5). For detailed descriptions of SNAX, OSITP, and OSITPX parameters, see BEA eLink Documentation .


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