
File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference

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This section provides for user specification of the system-wide resources, such as the number of servers, and services which can exist within a service area. Lines in the RESOURCES section are of the form: KEYWORD value where KEYWORD is the name of the parameter, and value its associated value. Valid KEYWORDs are as follows:

IPCKEY numeric_value

Specifies the numeric key for the well-known address in a BEA Tuxedo system bulletin board. In a single processor environment, this key "names" the bulletin board. In a multiple processor environment, this key names the message queue of the DBBL. In addition, this key is used as a basis for deriving the names of resources other than the well-known address, such as the names for bulletin boards throughout a multiprocessor. IPCKEY must be greater than 32,768 and less than 262,143. This parameter is required.

MASTER string_value1[,string_value2]

Specifies the machine on which the master copy of the TUXCONFIG file is found. Also, if the application is being run in MP mode, MASTER names the machine on which the DBBL should be run. string_value2 names an alternate LMID location used during process relocation and booting. If the primary location is not available, the DBBL is booted at the alternate location and the alternate TUXCONFIG file found there is used. Both LMID values must name machines found in the MACHINES section and must be less than or equal to 30 characters in length. This parameter is required (even in SHM mode).

In an application that supports multiple release levels of the BEA Tuxedo system on different machines, MASTER and BACKUP must always have a release with a number greater than or equal to all other machines in the application. This rule is not enforced during a "Hot Upgrade."


Specifies the configuration type. This parameter is required and only one of the two settings can be specified. SHM (for shared memory) specifies a single machine configuration; only one machine may be specified in the MACHINES section. MP specifies a multi-machine configuration; MP must be specified if a networked application is being defined. Note: to change value without relinking, servers must be built to support the models needed (see buildserver(1)).

DOMAINID string_value

Specifies the domain identification string. If not specified, the value "" is used. If the value of DOMAINID is a character string, it may contain a maximum of 30 characters (including the trailing NULL). If the value of DOMAINID is a string of hexadecimal digits, it may contain a maximum of 30 octets. If DOMAINID is specified, its value is included, as a parameter (-C dom=domainid), in any command output that reports on the processes associated with a particular domain, such as the output of the ps command. This comment is useful for an administrator managing multiple domains, who may have some difficulty, without this comment, in interpreting a single output stream that refers to several domains.

UID numeric_value

Specifies the numeric user ID to be associated with the IPC structures created for the bulletin board. This value should be a UNIX system user ID on the local system. If not specified, the value is taken to be the effective user ID of the user executing tmloadcf(1). The RESOURCES value for this parameter can be overridden in the MACHINES section on a per-processor basis.

GID numeric_value

Specifies the numeric group ID to be associated with the IPC structures created for the bulletin board. This value should be a valid UNIX system group ID on the local system. If GID is not specified, the effective group ID of the user executing tmloadcf(1) is used. The RESOURCES value for this parameter can be overridden in the MACHINES section on a per-processor basis.

PERM numeric_value

Specifies the numeric permissions associated with the IPC structures that implement the bulletin board. It is used to specify the read/write permissions for processes in the usual UNIX system fashion (that is, with an octal number such a 0600). If not specified, the permissions on the IPC structures default to 0666 (read/write access by same user, same group, and any other). The value can be between 0001 and 0777, inclusive. The RESOURCES value for this parameter can be overridden in the MACHINES section on a per-processor basis.

MAXACCESSERS numeric_value

Specifies the default maximum number of clients and servers that can be simultaneously connected to the bulletin board on any particular machine in this application. This value must be greater than 0 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default maximum number is 50. The RESOURCES value for this parameter can be overridden in the MACHINES section on a per-machine basis.

System administration processes, such as the BBL, restartsrv, cleanupsrv, tmshutdown(), and tmadmin(), need not be accounted for in this value, but the DBBL, all bridge processes, all system-supplied and application server processes, and all potential client processes at a particular site need to be counted. (Examples of system-supplied servers are AUTHSVR, TMQUEUE, TMQFORWARD, TMUSREVT, TMSYSEVT, TMS—see TMSNAME parameter in GROUPS section, TMS_QM, GWTDOMAIN, and WSL.) If the application is booting workstation listeners (WSLs) at a particular site, both the WSLs and the number of potential workstation handlers (WSHs) that may be booted need to be counted.

Note that for BEA Tuxedo pre-release 7.1 (6.5 or earlier), both the MAXACCESSERS and MAXSERVERS parameters for an application play a part in the user license checking scheme. Specifically, a machine is not allowed to boot if the number of MAXACCESSERS for that machine + the number of MAXACCESSERS for the machine (or machines) already running in the application is greater than the number of MAXSERVERS + user licenses for the application. Thus, the total number of MAXACCESSERS for an application must be less than or equal to the number of MAXSERVERS + user licenses for the application.

Note also that the user license checking scheme in BEA Tuxedo release 7.1 or later considers only the following two factors when performing its checks: the number of user licenses for an application and the number of licenses currently in use for the application. When all user licenses are in use, no new clients are allowed to join the application.

MAXSERVERS numeric_value

Specifies the maximum number of servers to be accommodated in the bulletin board server table for this application. This value must be greater than 0 and less than 8192. If not specified, the default is 50.

All instances of system-supplied and application servers available to an application need to be accounted for in the bulletin board server table, which is a global table, meaning that the same server table resides on each machine in the application. Examples of system-supplied servers are AUTHSVR, TMQUEUE, TMQFORWARD, TMUSREVT, TMSYSEVT, TMS (see TMSNAME parameter in GROUPS section), TMS_QM, GWTDOMAIN, and WSL.

Administration of each BEA Tuxedo system site adds approximately one system-supplied server. Additionally, the DBBL process and all BBL, bridge, and WSH processes must be accounted for in the MAXSERVERS value.

MAXSERVICES numeric_value

Specifies the maximum total number of services to be accommodated in the services table of the bulletin board. This value must be greater than 0 and less than 32,768. To calculate an adequate value, be sure to count the number of services used by both application servers and system servers, such as the BBL, DBBL, BRIDGE, TMS, and and any other system servers needed by the application. If not specified, the default is 100.

MAXGROUPS numeric_value

Specifies the maximum number of configured server groups to be accommodated in the group table of the bulletin board. This value must be greater than or equal to 100 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default is 100.

MAXNETGROUPS numeric_value

Specifies the maximum number of configured network groups to be accommodated in the NETWORK section of the TUXCONFIG file. This value must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than 8192. If not specified, the default is 8.

MAXMACHINES numeric_value

Specifies the maximum number of configured machines to be accommodated in the machine tables of the bulletin board. This value must greater than or equal to 256 and less than 8,191. If not specified, the default is 256.

MAXQUEUES numeric_value

Specifies the maximum number of server request queues to be accommodated in the queue table of the bulletin board. This value must greater than or equal to 1 and less than 8,192. If not specified, the value is set to the configured value for MAXSERVERS. Interoperability with releases prior to 5.0 requires that this value be equal to the configured value for MAXSERVERS.

MAXACLGROUPS numeric_value

Specifies the maximum number of group identifiers that can be used for ACL permissions checking. The maximum group identifier that can be defined is TA_MAXACLGROUPS - 1. This value must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 16,384. If not specified, the default is 16,384.

MAXGTT numeric_value

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous global transactions in which any particular machine in this application can be involved. It must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default is 100. The RESOURCES value for this parameter can be overridden in the MACHINES section on a per-machine basis.

MAXCONV numeric_value

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous conversations in which clients and servers on any particular machine in this application can be involved. It must be greater than 0 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default is 64 if any conversational servers are defined in the SERVERS section, or 1 otherwise. The maximum number of simultaneous conversations per server is 64. The RESOURCES value for this parameter can be overridden in the MACHINES section on a per-machine basis.

MAXBUFTYPE numeric_value

Specifies the maximum number of buffer types that can be accommodated in the buffer type table in the bulletin board. It must be greater than 0 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default is 16.

MAXBUFSTYPE numeric_value

Specifies the maximum number of buffer subtypes that can be accommodated in the buffer subtype table in the bulletin board. It must be greater than 0 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default is 32.

MAXDRT numeric_value

Specifies the maximum number of configured data-dependent routing criteria entries. It must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default is determined from the configured ROUTING section entries.

MAXRFT numeric_value

Specifies the maximum number of data-dependent routing range field table entries. It must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default is determined from the configured ROUTING section entries.

MAXRTDATA numeric_value

Specifies in bytes the maximum string pool space to be accommodated in the bulletin board string pool table for data-dependent routing range strings. This value must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 32,761. If not specified, the default is determined from the configured ROUTING section entries.

Strings and carrays specified within the RANGES values in the ROUTING section are stored in the string pool. Additional space should be allocated to allow for run-time growth.

MAXSPDATA numeric_value

Specifies in bytes the maximum string pool space to be accommodated in the bulletin board common string pool. This value must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 2147483640. The default is 0. This parameter applies only to applications running BEA Tuxedo 8.1 or later software.

In most cases, accepting the default for this parameter will result in the BEA Tuxedo system allocating sufficient string pool space for the following TUXCONFIG parameter strings whose maximum allowed length has been increased to 256 bytes in BEA Tuxedo 8.1: TUXCONFIG, TUXDIR, APPDIR, TLOGDEVICE, ULOGPFX, ENVFILE, TMSNAME, RCMD, NADDR, NLSADDR, FADDR, and the SERVERS section AOUT.

For applications for which extensive dynamic configuration is anticipated (for example, anticipating the addition of six more machines to a BEA Tuxedo application), administrators can use the MAXSPDATA parameter to increase the size of the common string pool. Note that adjusting the size of the common string pool has no effect on the size of the of the routing string pool controlled by the MAXRTDATA parameter. The two string pools are separate.

Regardless of the value specified for MAXSPDATA, the BEA Tuxedo system will not allocate an amount of string pool space outside of a system-calculated range based on (1) the strings actually specified in the TUXCONFIG file and (2) the amount of space that would be required if all 256-byte capable strings were specified. The tmloadcf(1) command will report a warning if the user-specified value is outside of this range and then set the value to the closest acceptable value.

Note that of the TUXCONFIG parameters whose maximum allowable length has been increased to 256 bytes, only the GROUPS section TMSNAME parameter and the SERVERS section AOUT and RCMD parameters are actually stored in the bulletin board. The others are read in at process startup time and stored in process memory.

MAXTRANTIME numeric_value

Specifies in seconds the maximum timeout allowed for transactions started in or received by this BEA Tuxedo application. This value must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 2147483647. The default is 0, which indicates that no global transaction timeout limit is in effect. This parameter applies only to applications running BEA Tuxedo 8.1 or later software.

If the MAXTRANTIME timeout value is less than the TRANTIME timeout value specified for an AUTOTRAN service or the timeout value passed in a tpbegin(3c) call to start a transaction, the timeout for a transaction is reduced to the MAXTRANTIME value. MAXTRANTIME has no effect on a transaction started on a machine running BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or earlier software, except that when a machine running BEA Tuxedo 8.1 or later software is infected by the transaction, the transaction timeout value is capped—reduced if necessary—to the MAXTRANTIME value configured for that machine.

Even if the TRANTIME value specified in the SERVICES section of the UBBCONFIG file is greater than the MAXTRANTIME value, the tmloadcf(1) command loads the configuration without error. Any BEA Tuxedo 8.1 or later machine infected with the AUTOTRAN transaction will automatically reduce the transaction timeout to the MAXTRANTIME value configured for that machine.


Specifies the initial setting of the TP_COMMIT_CONTROL characteristic for all client and server processes in a BEA Tuxedo system application. If value is LOGGED, the TP_COMMIT_CONTROL characteristic is initialized to TP_CMT_LOGGED; otherwise, it is initialized to TP_CMT_COMPLETE. If CMTRET is not specified, the default is COMPLETE. See the description of the BEA Tuxedo System ATMI function, tpscmt, for details on the setting of this characteristic.


Specifies whether or not load balancing should be performed. If LDBAL is not specified, the default is Y. It is recommended that if each service maps to one and only one queue, set LDBAL to N because load balancing is automatic.

If you set LDBAL to Y, server load balancing is performed automatically. Each interface request is routed to the server with the smallest total load. The routing of a request to a server causes the server's total to be increased by the LOAD factor of the CORBA interface requested.

When load balancing is not activated and multiple servers offer the same CORBA interface, the first available queue receives the request.


Specifies the default mode used by BEA Tuxedo system libraries within application processes to gain access to internal tables of the BEA Tuxedo system. FASTPATH specifies that the internal tables are accessible by BEA Tuxedo system libraries via unprotected shared memory for fast access. PROTECTED specifies that while the internal tables are accessible by BEA Tuxedo system libraries via shared memory, the shared memory for these tables is not accessible outside of the BEA Tuxedo system libraries. NO_OVERRIDE can be specified (either alone or in conjunction with FASTPATH or PROTECTED) to indicate that the mode selected cannot be overridden by an application process using flags available for use with tpinit(3c) or TPINITIALIZE(3cbl). If SYSTEM_ACCESS is not specified, the default mode is FASTPATH.

Limitation: Setting SYSTEM_ACCESS to PROTECTED may not be effective for multithreaded servers because it is possible that while one thread is executing BEA Tuxedo code, which means it is attached to the bulletin board, another thread might be executing user code. The BEA Tuxedo system cannot prevent such situations.


Specifies options that are used. If two or more options are given, they are separated by commas. The identifier LAN indicates that this is a networked application. The identifier MIGRATE indicates that server group migration can be done. If MIGRATE is specified, LAN should also be specified (except for the case where the configuration runs on a single multiprocessor computer). The identifier NO_XA indicates that XA transactions are not allowed. The identifier NO_AA indicates that the auditing and authorization functions will not be called. This parameter is optional, and the default is no options.


Specifies the signal to be used if SIGNAL-based notification is used. The legal values for this parameter are SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2. SIGUSR2 is the default for this parameter. USIGNAL may be specified even if SIGNAL-based notification is not selected with the NOTIFY parameter, because callers of tpinit() may choose signal-based notification.


Specifies the type of application security to be enforced. If not specified, this parameter defaults to NONE. The value APP_PW indicates that application password security is to be enforced (clients must provide the application password during initialization). Setting APP_PW causes tmloadcf to prompt for an application password. The value USER_AUTH is similar to APP_PW but, in addition, indicates that per-user authentication will be done during client initialization. The value ACL is similar to USER_AUTH but, in addition, indicates that access control checks will be done on service names, queue names, and event names. If an associated ACL is not found for a name, it is assumed that permission is granted. The value MANDATORY_ACL is similar to ACL but permission is denied if an associated ACL is not found for the name.

AUTHSVC string_value

Specifies the name of an application authentication service that is invoked by the system for each client joining the system. This parameter requires that the SECURITY identifier be set to USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL. (For upward compatibility, setting both SECURITY APP_PW and AUTHSVC implies SECURITY USER_AUTH.) The parameter value must be 15 characters or less in length. For SECURITY level USER_AUTH, the default service name, if not specified, is AUTHSVC. For SECURITY level ACL or MANDATORY_ACL, the default service name, if not specified, is ..AUTHSVC.

Note that the system-supplied authentication server, AUTHSVR, advertises the authentication service as AUTHSVC when SECURITY is set to USER_AUTH, and as ..AUTHSVC when SECURITY is set to ACL or MANDATORY_ACL. AUTHSVC and ..AUTHSVC point to the same authentication service.

Note also that string values AUTHSVC and ..AUTHSVC are identifiers, meaning that there is no need to surround AUTHSVC or ..AUTHSVC with double quotes.

SCANUNIT numeric_value

The interval of time (in seconds) between which periodic scans are done by the BBL to find old transactions and timed-out blocking calls within service requests. This value is used as the basic unit of scanning by the BBL. It affects the granularity with which transaction timeout values can be specified on tpbegin() and the blocking timeout value specified with the BLOCKTIME parameter. The SANITYSCAN, BBLQUERY, DBBLWAIT, and BLOCKTIME parameters are multipliers of this unit for other timed operations within the system. SCANUNIT must be a multiple of 5 greater than 0 and less than or equal to 60 seconds. The default is 10 seconds.

SANITYSCAN numeric_value

Sets a multiplier of the basic SCANUNIT between sanity checks of the system. The value SCANUNIT must be greater than 0. If this parameter is not specified, the default is set so that (SCANUNIT * SANITYSCAN) is approximately 120 seconds. Sanity checks include checking servers as well as the bulletin board data structure itself. Each BBL checks that all servers on its machine are viable; that is, the server hasn't terminated abnormally and is not looping. Processes deemed not viable are either cleaned up, or restarted depending on the options with which they were started. Following that, the BBL sends a message (without reply) to the DBBL to indicate it is okay.

DBBLWAIT numeric_value

Sets a multiplier of the basic SCANUNIT for the maximum amount of wall time a DBBL should wait for replies from all its BBLs before timing out. Every time the DBBL forwards a request to its BBLs, it waits for all of them to reply with a positive acknowledgment before replying to the requester. This option can be used for noticing dead or insane BBLs in a timely manner. The value of DBBLWAIT must be greater than 0. If this parameter is not specified, the default is set so that (SCANUNIT * DBBLWAIT) is the greater of SCANUNIT or 20 seconds.

BBLQUERY numeric_value

Sets a multiplier of the basic SCANUNIT between status checks by the DBBL of all BBLs. The DBBL checks to ensure that all BBLs have reported in within the BBLQUERY cycle. If a BBL has not been heard from, the DBBL sends a message to that BBL asking for status. If no reply is received, the BBL is partitioned. The value of BBLQUERY must be greater than 0. If this parameter is not specified, the default is set so that (SCANUNIT * BBLQUERY) is approximately 300 seconds.

BLOCKTIME numeric_value

Sets a multiplier of the basic SCANUNIT after which a blocking call (for example, receiving a reply) times out. The value of BLOCKTIME must be greater than 0. If this parameter is not specified, the default is set so that (SCANUNIT * BLOCKTIME) is approximately 60 seconds.


Specifies the default notification detection method to be used by the system for unsolicited messages sent to client processes. This default can be overridden on a per-client basis using the appropriate tpinit() flag value. Note that once unsolicited messages are detected, they are made available to the application through the application-defined unsolicited message handling routine identified via the tpsetunsol() function (tpnotify()).

The value DIPIN specifies that dip-in-based notification detection should be used. This means that the system will only detect notification messages on behalf of a client process while within ATMI calls. The point of detection within any particular ATMI call is not defined by the system and dip-in detection will not interrupt blocking system calls. DIPIN is the default notification detection method.

The value SIGNAL specifies that signal-based notification detection should be used. This means that the system sends a signal to the target client process after the notification message has been made available. The system installs a signal catching routine on behalf of clients selecting this method of notification.

All signaling of native client processes is done by administrative system processes and not by application processes. Therefore, only native clients running with the same UNIX system user identifier as the application administrator can be notified using the SIGNAL method. Workstation clients may use the SIGNAL method, regardless of which user identifier they are running under.

Note: The SIGNAL notification method is not available for MS-DOS clients, and is not available for multithreaded or multicontexted clients.

The value THREAD specifies that THREAD notification detection should be used. This means that the system dedicates a separate thread for the receipt of unsolicited messages and dispatches the unsolicited message handler in that thread. Only one unsolicited message handler executes at one time per BEA Tuxedo application association. This value is allowed only on platforms that offer support for multi-threading. COBOL clients cannot use THREAD notification. Clients that are written in COBOL or that run on a platform on which threads are not supported will have their notification method changed to DIPIN if they accept the UBBCONFIG default notification method and the UBBCONFIG default notification method is THREAD. In contrast, if such a client specifies thread notification explicitly in the parameters to tpinit() or TPINITIALIZE(), the call to this function will return an error.

The value IGNORE specifies that by default notification messages are to be ignored by application clients. This would be appropriate in applications where only clients that request notification at tpinit() time should receive unsolicited messages.

SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME string_value [0..511]

Specifies the security principal name identification string to be used for authentication purposes by an application running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software. This parameter may contain a maximum of 511 characters (excluding the terminating NULL character). The principal name specified for this parameter becomes the identity of one or more system processes running in this application.

SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME can be specified at any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy: RESOURCES section, MACHINES section, GROUPS section, and SERVERS section. A principal name at a particular configuration level can be overridden at a lower level. If SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME is not specified at any of these levels, the principal name for the application defaults to the DOMAINID string specified in the RESOURCES section for this application.

Note that SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME is one of a trio of parameters, the other two being SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION and SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR. The latter two parameters pertain to opening decryption keys during application booting for the system processes running in a BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later application. When only SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME is specified at a particular level, the system sets each of the other two parameters to a NULL (zero length) string.

SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION string_value [0..511]

Specifies the location of the file or device where the decryption (private) key for the principal specified in SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME resides. This parameter may contain a maximum of 511 characters (excluding the terminating NULL character).

SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION can be specified at any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy: RESOURCES section, MACHINES section, GROUPS section, and SERVERS section. When specified at any of these levels, this parameter must be paired with the SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME parameter; otherwise, its value is ignored. (SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR is optional; if not specified, the system sets it to a NULL—zero length—string.)

SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR string_value [0..511]

Specifies the variable in which the password for the principal specified in SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME is stored. This parameter may contain a maximum of 511 characters (excluding the terminating NULL character).

SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR can be specified at any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy: RESOURCES section, MACHINES section, GROUPS section, and SERVERS section. When specified at any of these levels, this parameter must be paired with the SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME parameter; otherwise, its value is ignored. (SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION is optional; if not specified, the system sets it to a NULL—zero length—string.)

During initialization, the administrator must provide the password for each of the decryption keys configured with SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR. (tmloadcf(1) prompts for the password.) The system automatically encrypts the password entered by the administrator and assigns each encrypted password to the associated password variable.

SIGNATURE_AHEAD numeric_value (1 <= num <= 2147483647)

Specifies the number of seconds into the future that a digital signature's timestamp is allowed to be, when compared to the local machine's clock. If not specified, the default is 3600 seconds (one hour). This parameter applies only to applications running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software.

SIGNATURE_BEHIND numeric_value (1 <= num <= 2147483647)

Specifies the number of seconds into the past that a digital signature's timestamp is allowed to be, when compared to the local machine's clock. If not specified, the default is 604800 seconds (one week). This parameter applies only to applications running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software.


Specifies whether or not every process running in this application requires a digital signature on its input message buffer. If not specified, the default is N. This parameter applies only to applications running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software.

SIGNATURE_REQUIRED can be specified at any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy: RESOURCES section, MACHINES section, GROUPS section, and SERVICES section. Setting SIGNATURE_REQUIRED to Y at a particular level means that signatures are required for all processes running at that level or below.


Specifies whether or not every process running in this application requires an encrypted input message buffer. If not specified, the default is N. This parameter applies only to applications running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software.

ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED can be specified at any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy: RESOURCES section, MACHINES section, GROUPS section, and SERVICES section. Setting ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED to Y at a particular level means that encryption is required for all processes running at that level or below.


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