
File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference

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The MACHINES section specifies the logical names for physical machines for the configuration. It also specifies parameters specific to a given machine. The MACHINES section must contain an entry for each physical processor used by the application. Entries have the form:

ADDRESS required_parameters [optional_parameters]

where ADDRESS is the physical name of a processor, for example, the value produced by the UNIX system uname -n command. On a Windows system, the value can be set using the Computer Name value in the Network Control Panel and must be specified in upper case. The length of the entire ADDRESS must be 30 characters or less. If the name is not an identifier, it must be enclosed in double quotes.

If the LAN option is not specified, only one machine name can appear in this section. One of the required KEYWORDs is LMID, which is the logical machine string_value assigned to the physical machine. An LMID string_value must be unique within the MACHINES section of the configuration file.

LMID = string_value

Specifies that string_value is to be used in other sections as the symbolic name for ADDRESS. This name cannot contain a comma, and must be 30 characters or less. This parameter is required. There must be an LMID line for every machine used in a configuration.

These parameters are required:

TUXCONFIG = string_value[2..256] (up to 64 bytes for BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or earlier)

This is the absolute pathname of the file or device where the binary TUXCONFIG file is found on this machine. The administrator need only maintain one TUXCONFIG file, namely the one that is pointed to by the TUXCONFIG environment variable on the MASTER machine. Copies on other machines of this master TUXCONFIG file are synchronized with the MASTER machine automatically when the system is booted. This parameter must be specified for each machine. If TUXOFFSET is specified, the BEA Tuxedo filesystem starts at that number of blocks from the beginning of the TUXCONFIG device (see TUXOFFSET below). See ENVFILE in the MACHINES section for a discussion of how this value is used in the environment.

Note: The pathname specified for this parameter must match exactly (including case) the pathname specified for the TUXCONFIG environment variable. Otherwise, tmloadcf(1) cannot be run successfully.

TUXDIR = string_value[2..256] (up to 78 bytes for BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or earlier)

This is the absolute pathname of the directory where the BEA Tuxedo system software is found on this machine. This parameter must be specified for each machine and the pathname should be local to each machine; in other words, TUXDIR should not be on a remote filesystem. If the machines of a multiprocessor application have different BEA Tuxedo system releases installed, check the BEA Tuxedo Release Notes for the higher level release to make sure you will get the functionality you expect. See ENVFILE in the MACHINES section for a discussion of how this value is used in the environment.

APPDIR = string_value[2..256] (up to 78 bytes for BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or earlier)

The value specified for this parameter is the absolute pathname of the application directory and is the current directory for all application and administrative servers booted on this machine. The absolute pathname can optionally be followed by a colon-separated list of other pathnames. In a configuration where SECURITY is set, each application must have its own distinct APPDIR. See ENVFILE in the MACHINES section for a discussion of how this value is used in the environment.

Optional parameters are:

UID = number

Specifies the numeric user ID to be associated with the IPC structures created for the bulletin board. The valid range is 0-2147483647. If not specified, the default is the value specified in the RESOURCES section.

GID = number

Specifies the numeric group ID to be associated with the IPC structures created for the bulletin board. The valid range is 0-2147483647. If not specified, the default is the value specified in the RESOURCES section.

PERM = number

Specifies the numeric permissions associated with the IPC structures that implement the bulletin board. It is used to specify the read/write permissions for processes in the usual UNIX system fashion (that is, with an octal number such as 0600). The value can be between 0001 and 0777, inclusive. If not specified, the default is the value specified in the RESOURCES section.


Specifies whether the Bridge process for this machine is configured for multithreaded execution (Y) or single-threaded execution (N). The default is N. This parameter applies only to applications running BEA Tuxedo 8.1 or later software.

Setting BRTHREADS to Y makes sense only if a machine has multiple CPUs. However, having multiple CPUs is not a prerequisite for setting BRTHREADS to  Y.

Configurations with BRTHREADS set to Y on the local machine and BRTHREADS set (or defaulted) to N on the remote machine are allowed, but the throughput between the machines will not be greater than that for the single-threaded Bridge process.

A Bridge process configured for single-threaded or multithreaded execution can interoperate with a Bridge process running in an earlier release of BEA Tuxedo or WebLogic Enterprise: BEA Tuxedo release 8.0 or earlier, WebLogic Enterprise release 5.1 or earlier. In general, a threaded Bridge can interoperate with an unthreaded Bridge because there are no external functional or behavioral changes due to the threading.

Note: If BRTHREADS=Y and the Bridge environment contains TMNOTHREADS=Y, the Bridge starts up in threaded mode and logs a warning message to the effect that the Bridge is ignoring the TMNOTHREADS setting. The TMNOTHREADS environment variable was added to the BEA Tuxedo product in release 8.0.


Specifies the maximum number of clients and servers that can be simultaneously connected to the bulletin board on this machine. This value must be greater than 0 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default is the MAXACCESSERS value specified in the RESOURCES section.

System administration processes, such as the BBL, restartsrv, cleanupsrv, tmshutdown(), and tmadmin(), need not be accounted for in this value, but the DBBL, all bridge processes, all system-supplied and application server processes, and all potential client processes at this site need to be counted. (Examples of system-supplied servers are AUTHSVR, TMQUEUE, TMQFORWARD, TMUSREVT, TMSYSEVT, TMS—see TMSNAME parameter in GROUPS section, TMS_QM, GWTDOMAIN, and WSL.) If the application is booting workstation listeners (WSLs) at this site, both the WSLs and the number of potential workstation handlers (WSHs) that may be booted need to be counted.

Note that for BEA Tuxedo pre-release 7.1 (6.5 or earlier), both the MAXACCESSERS and MAXSERVERS (see MAXSERVERS in RESOURCES section) parameters for an application play a part in the user license checking scheme. Specifically, a machine is not allowed to boot if the number of MAXACCESSERS for that machine + the number of MAXACCESSERS for the machine (or machines) already running in the application is greater than the number of MAXSERVERS + user licenses for the application. Thus, the total number of MAXACCESSERS for an application must be less than or equal to the number of MAXSERVERS + user licenses for the application.

Note also that the user license checking scheme in BEA Tuxedo release 7.1 or later considers only the following two factors when performing its checks: the number of user licenses for an application and the number of licenses currently in use for the application. When all user licenses are in use, no new clients are allowed to join the application.


Specifies the number of accesser entries on this machine to be reserved for Workstation clients (as opposed to native clients). If specified, the value must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default is 0.

The number specified here takes a portion of the total accesser slots specified with MAXACCESSERS, meaning that the accesser slots reserved for MAXWSCLIENTS are unavailable for use by other clients and servers on this machine. It is an error to set this number greater than MAXACCESSERS.

The MAXWSCLIENTS parameter is only used when the BEA Tuxedo system Workstation feature is used. The appropriate setting of this parameter helps to conserve interprocess communication (IPC) resources since Workstation client access to the system is multiplexed through a BEA Tuxedo system-supplied surrogate, the workstation handler (WSH).


Specifies the number of entries in the cache used for ACL entries when SECURITY is set to ACL or MANDATORY_ACL. The appropriate setting of this parameter helps to conserve on shared memory resources and yet reduce the number of disk access to do ACL checking. This value must be greater than or equal to 10 and less than or equal to 32,000. The default is 100.

MAXCONV = number

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous conversations in which clients and servers on this machine can be involved. It must be greater than 0 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default is the MAXCONV value specified in the RESOURCES section. The maximum number of simultaneous conversations per server is 64.


Specifies a limit for the amount of space that can be allocated for messages waiting to be transmitted by the bridge process. number must be between 100,000 and MAXLONG.

MAXGTT = number

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous global transactions in which this machine can be involved. It must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default is the value specified in the RESOURCES section.

TYPE = string_value

Used for grouping machines into classes. TYPE can be set to any string value that is 15 characters or less. If two machines have the same TYPE value, data encoding/decoding is bypassed when sending data between the machines. TYPE can be given any string value. It is used simply for comparison. The TYPE parameter should be used when the application involves a heterogeneous network of machines or when different compilers are used on the machines in the network. If not specified, the default is the NULL string, which matches any other entry that does not have a value specified.

CMPLIMIT = string_value1[,string_value2]

Specifies the threshold message size for messages bound to remote processes (string_value1) and local processes (string_value2) respectively, at which automatic data compression will take place. Both values must be either a non-negative numeric value or the string MAXLONG. If not specified, the default for this parameter is MAXLONG.

NETLOAD = numeric_value

Specifies the additional load to be added when computing the cost of sending a service request from this machine to another machine. It must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default is 0.

SPINCOUNT = numeric_value

Specifies the number of attempts that should be made at user level to lock the bulletin board before blocking processes on a UNIX semaphore. This value must be greater than or equal to 0. A value of 0 indicates that the spincount built into the delivered binary should be used. If set, this parameter causes the TMSPINCOUNT environment variable to be ignored. This varies from platform to platform. The default for this parameter is 0.

TLOGDEVICE = string_value[0..256] (up to 64 bytes for BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or earlier)

Specifies the BEA Tuxedo filesystem that contains the DTP transaction log (TLOG) for this machine. The TLOG is stored as a BEA Tuxedo system VTOC table on the device. If this parameter is not specified, the machine is assumed to not have a TLOG.


Specifies the numeric offset in pages (from the beginning of the device) to the start of the BEA Tuxedo filesystem that contains the DTP transaction log for this machine. The offset must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the number of pages on the device. The default is 0.

TLOGNAME = string_value

Specifies the name of the DTP transaction log for this machine. If not specified, the default is TLOG. If more than one TLOG exists on the same TLOGDEVICE, they must have unique names. TLOGNAME must be different from the name of any other table on the configuration where the TLOG table is created. It must be 30 characters or less.


Specifies the numeric size, in pages, of the DTP transaction log for this machine. It must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 2048, subject to the amount of available space on the BEA Tuxedo filesystem. If not specified, the default is 100 pages.

ULOGPFX = string_value[0..256] (up to 78 bytes for BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or earlier)

Specifies the absolute pathname prefix of the path for the userlog(3c) message file on this machine. The value of ULOGPFX for a given machine is used to create the userlog(3c) message file for all servers, clients, and administrative processes executed on that machine. If this parameter is not specified, $APPDIR/ULOG is used. "mmddyy" (month, day, year) is appended to the prefix to get the actual log filename.

TUXOFFSET = offset

Specifies the numeric offset in pages (from the beginning of the device) to the start of the BEA Tuxedo filesystem that contains the TUXCONFIG file for this machine. The offset must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the number of pages on the device. The default offset is 0. The value of TUXOFFSET, if non-zero, is placed in the environment of all servers booted on a machine. See ENVFILE in the MACHINES section for a discussion of how this value is used in the environment.

ENVFILE = string_value[0..256] (up to 78 bytes for BEA Tuxedo 8.0 or earlier)

Specifies that all clients and servers on the machine are to be executed with the environment specified in the named file. If the value specifies an invalid filename, no values are added to the environment. Lines must be of the form ident=value where ident begins with an underscore or alphabetic character, and contains only underscore or alphanumeric characters. Within the value, strings of the form ${env} are expanded when the file is processed using variables already in the environment. (Forward referencing is not supported and if a value is not set, the variable is replaced with the empty string). Backslash (\) may be used to escape the dollar sign and itself. All other shell quoting and escape mechanisms are ignored and the expanded value is placed into the environment.

Client programs process only the MACHINES ENVFILE during tpinit().

When booting servers, local servers inherit the environment of tmboot(1) and remote servers (not on the MASTER) inherit the environment of tlisten(1). TUXCONFIG, TUXDIR, and APPDIR are also put into the environment when a server is booted based on the information in the associated MACHINES entry. An attempt to reset these three variables to another value will not be allowed and will result in a warning. tmboot and tlisten process the machine ENVFILE before starting the server, allowing for the environment to indicate necessary pathnames for finding executable and dynamically loaded files. Once the server is running, as part of server initialization (before the application gets control in tpsvrinit()), a server will read and export variables from both the machine and server ENVFILE files. If a variable is set in both the machine and server ENVFILE, the value in the server ENVFILE will override the value in the machine ENVFILE.

PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are treated specially. Before a server is activated, the machine ENVFILE is scanned to find the first occurrence of a PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable; embedded environment variables within either PATH variable are not expanded. PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are used to find pathnames for executable and dynamically loaded files. PATH will always be prefixed with:


if the value doesn't already begin with this string. This PATH will be used as a search path for servers that are specified with a simple or relative pathname. LD_LIBRARY_PATH will always be prefixed with:


if the value doesn't already begin with this string. SHLIB_PATH is set on HPUX and LIBPATH is set on AIX instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME = string_value [0..511]

Specifies the security principal name identification string to be used for authentication purposes by an application running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software. This parameter may contain a maximum of 511 characters (excluding the terminating NULL character). The principal name specified for this parameter becomes the identity of one or more system processes running on this machine.

SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME can be specified at any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy: RESOURCES section, MACHINES section, GROUPS section, and SERVERS section. A principal name at a particular configuration level can be overridden at a lower level. If SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME is not specified at any of these levels, the principal name for the application defaults to the DOMAINID string specified in the RESOURCES section for this application.

Note that SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME is one of a trio of parameters, the other two being SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION and SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR. The latter two parameters pertain to opening decryption keys during application booting for the system processes running in a BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later application. When only SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME is specified at a particular level, the system sets each of the other two parameters to a NULL (zero length) string.

SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION = string_value [0..511]

Specifies the location of the file or device where the decryption (private) key for the principal specified in SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME resides. This parameter may contain a maximum of 511 characters (excluding the terminating NULL character).

SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION can be specified at any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy: RESOURCES section, MACHINES section, GROUPS section, and SERVERS section. When specified at any of these levels, this parameter must be paired with the SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME parameter; otherwise, its value is ignored. (SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR is optional; if not specified, the system sets it to a NULL—zero length—string.)

SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR = string_value [0..511]

Specifies the variable in which the password for the principal specified in SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME is stored. This parameter may contain a maximum of 511 characters (excluding the terminating NULL character).

SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR can be specified at any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy: RESOURCES section, MACHINES section, GROUPS section, and SERVERS section. When specified at any of these levels, this parameter must be paired with the SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME parameter; otherwise, its value is ignored. (SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION is optional; if not specified, the system sets it to a NULL—zero length—string.)

During initialization, the administrator must provide the password for each of the decryption keys configured with SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR. (tmloadcf(1) prompts for the password.) The system automatically encrypts the password entered by the administrator and assigns each encrypted password to the associated password variable.


Specifies whether or not every process running on this machine requires a digital signature on its input message buffer. If not specified, the default is N. This parameter applies only to applications running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software.

SIGNATURE_REQUIRED can be specified at any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy: RESOURCES section, MACHINES section, GROUPS section, and SERVICES section. Setting SIGNATURE_REQUIRED to Y at a particular level means that signatures are required for all processes running at that level or below.


Specifies whether or not every process running on this machine requires an encrypted input message buffer. If not specified, the default is N. This parameter applies only to applications running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software.

ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED can be specified at any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy: RESOURCES section, MACHINES section, GROUPS section, and SERVICES section. Setting ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED to Y at a particular level means that encryption is required for all processes running at that level or below.


represents the maximum number of service cache entries any process is to hold on this machine. It must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 32,768. If a value is not specified, the default is 500. If the value is set to 0, no service caching will be performed by any process on this machine. The maximum value this attribute can take is 32,767. All clients on this machine will use this value.

Note: Unlike the corresponding attribute in the SERVERS section, this parameter cannot take the string DEFAULT as a valid value.


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