
Using Security in CORBA Applications

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Checks status of credentials.

OMG IDL Definition

boolean is_valid(
out Security::UtcT expiry_time


This method returns TRUE if the credentials used are active at the time; that is, you did not call Tobj::PrincipalAuthenticator::logoff or Tobj_Bootstrap::destroy_current. If this method is called after Tobj::PrincipalAuthenticator::logoff(), FALSE is returned. If this method is called after Tobj_Bootstrap::destroy_current(), the CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER exception is raised.

Return Values

The expiration date returned contains the maximum unsigned long long value in C++ and maximum long in Java. Until the unsigned long long datatype is adopted, the ulonglong datatype is substituted. The ulonglong datatype is defined as follows:

// interim definition of type ulonglong pending the
// adoption of the type extension by all client ORBs.
struct ulonglong {
unsigned long low;
unsigned long high;

Note: This information is taken from CORBAservices: Common Object Services Specification, p. 15-97. Revised Edition: March 31, 1995. Updated: November 1997. Used with permission by OMG.



Allows a principal to be authenticated. A Principal Authenticator object that supports the SecurityLevel2::PrincipalAuthenticator interface is a locality-constrained object. Any attempt to pass a reference to the object outside its locality, or any attempt to externalize the object using the CORBA::ORB::object_to_string() operation, results in a CORBA::Marshall exception.

OMG IDL Definition


#include <SecurityLevel1.idl>

#pragma prefix "omg.org"

module SecurityLevel2
interface PrincipalAuthenticator
{ // Locality Constrained
Security::AuthenticationStatus authenticate (
in Security::AuthenticationMethod method,
in Security::SecurityName security_name,
in Security::Opaque auth_data,
in Security::AttributeList privileges,
out Credentials creds,
out Security::Opaque continuation_data,
out Security::Opaque auth_specific_data

Security::AuthenticationStatus continue_authentication (
in Security::Opaque response_data,
in Credentials creds,
out Security::Opaque continuation_data,
out Security::Opaque auth_specific_data

#pragma prefix "beasys.com"
module Tobj
const Security::AuthenticationMethod
TuxedoSecurity = 0x54555800;
CertificateBased = 0x43455254;

C++ Declaration

class SecurityLevel2
class PrincipalAuthenticator;
typedef PrincipalAuthenticator * PrincipalAuthenticator_ptr;
  class PrincipalAuthenticator : public virtual CORBA::Object
static PrincipalAuthenticator_ptr
_duplicate(PrincipalAuthenticator_ptr obj);
static PrincipalAuthenticator_ptr
_narrow(CORBA::Object_ptr obj);
static PrincipalAuthenticator_ptr _nil();

virtual Security::AuthenticationStatus
authenticate (
Security::AuthenticationMethod method,
const char * security_name,
const Security::Opaque & auth_data,
const Security::AttributeList & privileges,
Credentials_out creds,
Security::Opaque_out continuation_data,
Security::Opaque_out auth_specific_data) = 0;

virtual Security::AuthenticationStatus
continue_authentication (
const Security::Opaque & response_data,
Credentials_ptr & creds,
Security::Opaque_out continuation_data,
Security::Opaque_out auth_specific_data) = 0;
PrincipalAuthenticator(CORBA::Object_ptr obj = 0);
virtual ~PrincipalAuthenticator() { }

PrincipalAuthenticator( const PrincipalAuthenticator&) { }
void operator=(const PrincipalAuthenticator&) { }
}; // class PrincipalAuthenticator


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