
Using Security in CORBA Applications

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Specifies the minimum number of security options to be used when establishing an SSL connection to make an invocation on a target object in the BEA Tuxedo domain.

OMG IDL Definition

attribute Security::AssociationOptions




Use this method to specify that communication between principals and the BEA Tuxedo domain should be protected. After using this method, a Credentials object makes an invocation on a target object using the SSL protocol with the defined level of security options. This method should be used in conjunction with the SecurityLevel2::Credentials::invocation_options_supported method.

The following security options can be specified:

Security Option



The SSL protocol does not provide message protection.


The SSL protocol provides an integrity check of messages. Digital signatures are used to protect the integrity of messages.


The SSL connection protects the confidentiality of messages. Crytography is used to protect the confidentiality of messages.


The SSL protocol provides replay detection. Replay occurs when a message is sent repeatedly with no detection.


The SSL protocol provides sequence error detection for requests and request fragments.


Indicates that the target of a request authenticates itself to the initiating principal.


Indicates that the principal permits an intermediate object to use its privileges for the purpose of access control decisions. However, the principal's privileges are not delegated so the intermediate object cannot use the privileges when invoking the next object in the chain.


Indicates that the principal permits an intermediate object to use its privileges for the purpose of access control decisions, and delegates the privileges to the intermediate object. The target object receives only the privileges of the client application and does not know the identity of the intermediate object. When this invocation option is used without restrictions on the target object, the behavior is known as impersonation.


Indicates that the principal permits the intermediate object to use its credentials and delegate them. The privileges of both the principal and the intermediate object can be checked.


Return Values

The list of defined security options.

If the Tobj::TuxedoSecurity security mechanism is used to create the security association, only the NoProtection, EstablishTrustInClient, and SimpleDelegation security options are returned. The EstablishTrustInClient security option appears only if the security level of the CORBA application is defined to require passwords to access the BEA Tuxedo domain.

Note: A CORBA::NO_PERMISSION exception is returned if the security options specified are not supported by the security mechanism defined for the CORBA application. This exception can also occur if the security options specified have more capabilities than the security options specified by the SecurityLevel2::Credentials::invocation_options_supported method.

The invocation_options_required attribute has set() and get() methods. You cannot use the set() method when using the Tobj::TuxedoSecurity security mechanism to get a Credentials object. If you do use the set() method with the Tobj::TuxedoSecurity security mechanism, a CORBA::NO_PERMISSION exception is returned.


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