
Using the Tuxedo TOP END Domain Gateway with ATMI Applications

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Transactional Support Programming

This topic includes the following sections:


Using Transactions with the TEDG

The TOP END Domain Gateway (TEDG) provides support for fully transactional message passing and queuing between BEA TOP END and BEA Tuxedo systems. Transactions may be initiated by either system.

The TEDG does the following:


Transaction Capabilities Supported by the TEDG

The following transaction capabilities are supported:


Transaction Design Consideration

From the programmer's perspective, transactions involving the TEDG and a remote system function are handled the same way any transactions are handled in the local system. The only consideration to keep in mind when designing transactions for a configuration that includes BEA Tuxedo and BEA TOP END systems is that two-phase commit processing cannot be optimized as much as it can be optimized for transactions that involve only one system. Therefore, transactional requests involving a remote system have a slightly higher cost to commit. When designing your application, you should consider the number of intersystem requests likely to be made and the potential effect of these requests on performance.

See Also


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