
Using the Tuxedo TOP END Domain Gateway with ATMI Applications

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Part I. Basics

Introducing the BEA Tuxedo TOP END Domain Gateway

What Is the TOP END Domain Gateway?

Features of the TOP END Domain Gateway

Message Passing

Queue Processing

Transactional Support


Understanding How the TOP END Domain Gateway Works

BEA Tuxedo and BEA TOP END Terminology

TEDG Terminology

Reference Manual Notation

BEA Tuxedo Architecture Overview

BEA TOP END Architecture Overview

How the TEDG Works

How a BEA Tuxedo User Views the TEDG

How a BEA TOP END User Views the TEDG

Interconnecting Systems with the TOP END Domain Gateway

Interoperability Scenarios Between the BEA TOP END and BEA Tuxedo Systems

How the TEDG Handles Connections and Message Passing

Request/Response Message Passing

BEA Tuxedo Client to BEA TOP END Server

BEA TOP END Client to BEA Tuxedo Server

Conversational Message Passing

Establishing Connections Between BEA Tuxedo and BEA TOP END Systems

Connecting at Boot Time (ON_STARTUP)

Connecting When a Client Program Requests a Remote Service (ON_DEMAND)

Accepting Incoming Connections Only (INCOMING_ONLY)

Message Routing

BEA Tuxedo Data-Dependent Routing (DDR)

BEA TOP END Message Sensitive Routing (MSR)

Formats and Message Content Conversion (MCC)

Message Size and Types

How the TEDG Handles Queue Processing

How the TEDG Supports Transactions

Transaction Identifier Mapping

Transaction Management

Logging Transactions

Transaction Recovery

Characteristics of the APIs

Characteristics of the BEA Tuxedo ATMI

Supported ATMI Features and Functions

Unsupported ATMI Features

Characteristics of the BEA TOP END CSI

Supported CSI Features and Routines

Unsupported CSI Features

How the TEDG Is Administered

Understanding Security Between the BEA TOP END and BEA Tuxedo Systems

Overview of BEA TOP END Security

Authentication and Authorization

Message Protection/Encryption

Overview of BEA Tuxedo Security


Optional Encryption

Public Key Encryption

System Interoperability

Interdomain Security

How Security Is Handled by the TEDG

How BEA Tuxedo to BEA TOP END Security Works

BEA Tuxedo-side Security

BEA TOP END-side Security

How BEA TOP END to BEA Tuxedo Security Works

BEA TOP END-side Security

BEA Tuxedo-side Security

How the TEDG Establishes a Secure Connection to the NI


Part II. Configuration

Configuring the TOP END Domain Gateway

How to Configure the TEDG

Rules for Configuring the TEDG

Configuring a TEDG Node on the BEA TOP END System

Communicating with BEA TOP END Systems Using Extended Node Names

Editing the UBBCONFIG File

What Is a UBBCONFIG File?

Editing the UBBCONFIG File

Sample Section of a UBBCONFIG File

Editing the DMCONFIG File

What Is a DMCONFIG File?

Domains Terminology Improvements

Editing the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS Section

Defining the Required Parameters

Defining the Optional Parameters

Editing the DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS Section

Defining the Required Parameters

Adding the DM_TOPEND Section

Defining the Required Parameters

Editing the DM_LOCAL_SERVICES Section

Defining Service and Queue Mapping Entries

Configuration Guidelines for DM_LOCAL_SERVICES

Defining Service Type Parameters

Defining QSPACE Type Parameters

Defining QNAME Type Parameters

Editing the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES Section

Defining Service and Queue Mapping Entries

Configuration Guidelines for the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES

Defining the Service Type Parameters

Defining QSPACE Type Parameters

Defining QNAME Type Parameters

Optional DMCONFIG Sections

Configuring Security Between BEA TOP END and BEA Tuxedo Systems

How Security Is Provided Between BEA Tuxedo and BEA TOP END Systems

Security Prerequisites

Configuring Security in a BEA Tuxedo System

Defining Security in the UBBCONFIG File

Defining Security in the DMCONFIG File




Using BEA Tuxedo Security Administration Tools to Authorize Intersystem Access

Defining a BEA TOP END Password for the TEDG

Using BEA TOP END Security Administration Tools to Authorize Intersystem Access

Configuring TEDG-to-NI Encryption and Authentication

Communicating with Multiple BEA TOP END Systems

Configuring Multiple GWTOPEND Processes

Defining Multiple Processes in the UBBCONFIG file


Modifying the DMCONFIG File

Sample Configuration File for a TOP END Domain Gateway

Sample Program Description

Functions Available for the BEA TOP END EBANK Product

BEA Tuxedo Service Mappings for the EBANK Functions

SERVICE and QUEUE Mappings for the BEA Tuxedo Service "balance"

Sample DMCONFIG File for the TEDG

Administering the TEDG During Run Time

Understanding Run-time Administration

Using the dmadmin Command Interpreter

Defining a BEA TOP END Password

Run-time Deletions


Part III. Programming Considerations

API Programming

Using the BEA Tuxedo ATMI (API) with the TEDG

Limitations of Supported ATMI Features

Using the BEA TOP END CSI with the TEDG

Limitations of Supported CSI Facilities

Request/Response Mode Programming

Using Request/Response Messaging with the TEDG

How Messages Are Passed from BEA Tuxedo Clients to BEA TOP END Servers

How the TEDG Works with BEA Tuxedo Clients

How the TEDG Maps Client Requests

How the TEDG Works with BEA TOP END Servers

How the TEDG Maps BEA TOP END Server Send Flags

Error Values

How Messages Are Passed from BEA TOP END Clients to BEA Tuxedo Servers

How the TEDG Works with BEA TOP END Clients

How the TEDG Maps Client Requests

How the TEDG Works with BEA Tuxedo Servers

Error Values

Conversational Mode Programming

Using Conversational Messaging with the TEDG

How Messages Are Passed from BEA Tuxedo Clients to BEA TOP END Servers

How the TEDG Works with BEA Tuxedo Clients

How the TEDG Maps Clients Requests

How the TEDG Works with BEA TOP END Servers

How the TEDG Maps BEA TOP END Server Send Flags

Error Values

How Messages Are Passed from BEA TOP END Clients to BEA Tuxedo Servers

How the TEDG Works with BEA TOP END Clients

How the TEDG Maps Client Requests

How the TEDG Works with BEA Tuxedo Servers

How the TEDG Maps BEA Tuxedo Server Flags

Error Values

Reliable Queuing Programming

Using Reliable Queuing with the TEDG

Common Queuing Capabilities Supported by the TEDG

Unsupported BEA Tuxedo /Q Capabilities

Unsupported BEA TOP END RTQ Capabilities

How BEA Tuxedo Clients Enqueue Messages to RTQ

How the TEDG Works with BEA Tuxedo Clients

How the TEDG Maps Client Requests

Error Values

How BEA TOP END Clients Enqueue Messages to /Q

How the TEDG Works with BEA TOP END Clients

How the TEDG Maps Client RTQ Requests

Error Values

Transactional Support Programming

Using Transactions with the TEDG

Transaction Capabilities Supported by the TEDG

Transaction Design Consideration

Security Programming

How the TEDG Supports Security

How BEA Tuxedo Client Requests Are Authorized

How to Establish Security for BEA TOP END Services/RTQ Queues

How BEA TOP END Client Requests Are Authorized

How to Establish Security for BEA Tuxedo Services/Queue Spaces

How Security Is Provided for the TEDG Network Connection


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