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Using Security in CORBA Applications

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Checks the status of credentials.

MIDL Mapping

HRESULT is_valid(
[out] IDispatch** expiry_time,
[in,out,optional] VARIANT* exceptionInfo,
[out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* returnValue

Automation Mapping

Function is_valid(expiry_time As Object,
[exceptionInfo]) As Boolean


This method returns TRUE if the credentials used are active at the time; that is, you did not call DITobj_PrincipalAuthenticator.logoff or destroy_current. If this method is called after DITobj_PrincipalAuthenticator.logoff(), FALSE is returned. If this method is called after destroy_current(), the CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER exception is raised.

Return Values

The output expiry_time as a DITimeBase_UtcT object set to max.


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