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Alarm and Event Handling

The following sections describe WebLogic Network Gatekeeper alarm and event handling:



All the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper software modules can raise alarms and events. The difference between alarms and events is that alarms are unexpected and might need corrective action, while events are expected and of importance to the operator.


Alarm handling

All alarms are stored in the alarm list in the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper database. The type of information stored for each alarm is presented in Table 10-1 on page 2.

Table 10-1 Alarm Entry Information



Unique ID

A sequential number to identify the alarm.


Specifies the name of the SLEE service (software module) that raised the alarm and the IP address of the SLEE the service is installed in.


Specifies the alarm's severity level. One of the following:
1 - warning
2 - minor
3 - major
4 - critical

The individual alarms' severity level can be reconfigured by the operator.


Specifies the alarm type using a number and a heading.


Alarm information provided by the software module the raised the alarm.


Specifies the date and time the alarm was raised.

All alarms have a default severity level.

It is possible to set an alarm filter specifying an alarm severity level. Only alarms with a severity level equal to, or higher than the specified filtering level will be written to the alarm list.

Alarms are retrieved from the alarm list based on software module, severity level, and time period. The different alarm types and recommended corrective actions are presented in User's Guide - WebLogic Network Gatekeeper.


Event handling

All events are logged in the event log in the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper database. The type of information stored for each event is presented in Table 10-2.

Table 10-2 Event Log Entry Information



Unique ID

A sequential number to identify the event.


Specifies the name of the SLEE service (software module) that raised the event and the IP address of the SLEE the service is installed in.


Specifies the event's importance level. One of the following:
1 - low
2 - medium
3 - high


Specifies the event type using a number and a heading.


Event information provided by the software module the raised event.


Specifies the date and time the event was raised.

It is possible to set an event filter specifying an importance level. Only events with a importance level equal to, or higher than the specified filtering level will be written to the event log.

Events are retrieved from the event log based on software module, importance level, and time period.


OSS integration


An Operation Support System (OSS) integrates with the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper alarm and event services through registration of alarm and event listeners over a CORBA/IDL interface.


In addition, the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper supports sending of alarms as SNMP traps to SNMP managers. The alarms sent to the SNMP managers can be filtered on alarm severity.


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