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Service Extensibility

The following sections describe how to extend WebLogic Network Gatekeeper functionality:



Extensibility is about extending the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper's functionality to support new APIs, service capabilities and network protocols. That is, new APIs and/or network plug-ins can be added to existing service capability modules. In addition, support for a whole new service capability, including API, service capability module, and protocol plug-in can be provided.

To support service extensibility, BEA systems provides a service extension toolkit. This toolkit simplifies the creation of new service support by providing templates and development guidelines on how to develop APIs, service capabilities modules, and protocol plug-ins for installation in the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper SLEEs.


API/service capability extensibility

The APIs/service capabilities are implemented using a modular architecture. That is, when new service functionality is introduced in the network, corresponding service capability modules can be developed and installed in the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper. The service capability modules provides Web Services interfaces towards the applications.

The service capability modules use the same functions for installation, trace, management and version handling as all other software modules installed in the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper. Installation of service capability modules can be made in run-time.



Custom APIs

The modular API structure makes it possible to create custom APIs or service capability modules combining functionality from lower level API. That is, a custom API can be created using functionality from different underlying service nodes and/or OSA/Parlay SCSes. Figure 13-2, A custom service module combining service functionality from three different sources, on page 13-3 shows a custom service module combining functionality from three different sources.



Network protocol extensibility

When a new service node or system supporting an exisiting service capability module is introduced, that node or system can be available to all applications connected to the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper by introducing a new network plug-in. The only requirement is that the introduced node or system support the same set of service capabilities as the service capability modules's plug-in interface (The plug-in interface is the API used by a network plug-in to interface a service capability module) . As long as this requirement is fulfilled, service nodes and systems can be added and changed without affecting the applications. Minor interface deviations are handled by the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper through mapping or reporting errors back to the applications.

As the new plug-in is installed, the address formats (number plan and address range) it supports are registered through the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper's plug-in manager.

If an old service node shall be replaced or supplemented by a new service node supporting a newer protocol version, the nodes can work in parallel using two different network plug-ins. The service capability modules and the applications will not be affected.


Simple installation and OAM

Since the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper has a modular architecture where all functionality run as services in a Service Logic Execution Environment (SLEE), installation and QAM of new WebLogic Network Gatekeeper software modules (as service capability modules and network plug-ins) follow WebLogic Network Gatekeeper standard procedures.

Deployment service for installation, start and activation

The deployment service installs the new software modules's jar file in the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper. Software module specific databases and database tables are automatically created and the software module's characteristics and behaviour are set using an XML based deployment descriptor. The deployment service is also used for starting/stopping and activating/deactivating the software module. For more information, see User's Guide - WebLogic Network Gatekeeper.

Administration through the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper management tool

When a new service module is started through the deployment service, its management interface becomes available through the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper management tool. That is, all methods defined as management methods can be invoked through the management tools text and GUI based interfaces. For more information about the management tool's possibilities, see Operation, Administration and Maintenance.


If a software module is suspected to be faulty, the trace service can be used to locate the fault in the code. The amount of trace information provided by the trace service is dependant on the amount of trace support implemented in the software module's code and the active trace level. The trace service can, on software module level, be activated/deactivated and the trace level can be changed in run time. All trace information is written to file.

Event log and alarm list

All internal software modules can write event and alarms to WebLogic Network Gatekeeper's event log and alarm list.


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