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System Scaling

The following sections describe how to install and configure SLEEs in a domain:


About system scaling

BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper consists of a number of SLEEs. Each SLEE executing on a separate server. The SLEEs are assigned different types of SLEE services. A number of SLEEs that are assigned the same types of SLEE services are referred to as a SLEE domain. A large BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper system has the following SLEE domains:

All SLEEs within a SLEE domain contain the same SLEE services.

Apart from the SLEE domains, there is a database domain. The databases might execute on separate servers, or the same servers as two of the SLEEs.

The number of SLEEs in each domain is depends on the load handled by each domain. When the SLEEs within a SLEE domain starts raising overloaded and severely overloaded alarms, the SLEE domain has to be expanded with another SLEE. To do this a new server is added to BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper system. A backup of one of the SLEEs within the SLEE domain is made, and the backup is installed on the new server. Additional registration and configuration work is then performed based on the SLEE domain.


Adding a BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper SLEE

The following is an outline of how to install a new SLEE in a BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper SLEE domain. It includes backup of an existing SLEE within the SLEE domain, software installation on the new server (OS and SLEE backup copy), and starting the SLEE process.

Backup SLEE

  1. Back one of the SLEEs in the desired SLEE domain, see Performing a full system backup. If a database executes on the same server as the SLEE, do not back up the database related files.
  2. Install OS and SLEE backup copy

  3. See Performing a full system restoration, but do not start the SLEE process.
  4. Edit SLEE properties file

  5. Go to the /usr/local/slee/bin/ directory.
  6. Open the file slee_properties.xml in a text editor.
  7. Change the <SLEE_HOST> parameter in the file to IP address of your new server. For more information about the individual parameters, see SLEE start-up parameters.
  8. Save slee_properties.xml and exit the editor.
  9. Prepare scripts for start-up

  10. Enter command:
  11. ./

    The system scripts are updated with the configuration data specified in the slee_properties.xml file.

    Initiate system for start-up

  12. Enter command:
  13. ./

    The configuration scripts are run and the database is restarted.

    Start SLEE process

  14. Start the SLEE process through the SLEE agent. Enter command:
  15. ./

    The SLEE agent is now starting up the SLEE process. When the process has started, the SLEE will be in the same state as the of the backed up SLEE.

    Continue with configuration of the SLEE. See the following sections.


Configuring an application access SLEE

The following is an outline of how to configure an application access SLEE.

  1. Configure the SESPA services in the new SLEE instance according to the other SESPA services in the other application access SLEEs. For information about the SESPA service configuration parameters, see SESPA. The parameters are presented in tables, one for each SESPA service. The ones that have to be set manually are marked SLEE in the Level column.
  2. Distribute the new SESPA services' WSDL files to the application providers.


Configuring a service execution SLEE

The following is an outline of how to configure an SCS proxy SLEE.

  1. Configure the ESPA service capabilities in the new SLEE instance according to the other ESPA service capabilities in the other service execution SLEEs. For information about the ESPA service capability configuration parameters, see ESPA access and ESPA service capability modules. The parameters are presented in tables, one for each ESPA service capability. The ones that have to be set manually are marked SLEE in the Level column.


Configuring an network plug-in SLEE

The following is an outline of how to configure an IP network and SCS plug-in SLEE.

  1. Configure the plug-ins in the new SLEE instance according to the other plug-ins in the other IP network and SCS plug-in SLEEs. For information about the plug-ins configuration parameters, see Network plug-ins. The parameters are presented in tables, one for each plug-in proxy. The ones that have to be set manually are marked SLEE in the Level column.
  2. Depending on plug-in type, the plug-ins' addresses may have to be registered in the network node(s) they communicate with.


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