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User's Guide

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Introduction and Roadmap

Document Scope and Audience

Guide to this Document


Related Documentation

Other documentation


Installation on Linux


Extract the binaries for Linux

Install the JRockit SDK

Configure the JVM

Install database

Unpack WebLogic Network Gatekeeper software

Installation on HP-UX


Extract the binaries for HP-UX

Install patches

Install the Java SDK

Configure the JVM

Install database

Unpack WebLogic Network Gatekeeper software

Installation of Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files

Configure WebLogic Network Gatekeeper software

Delete unused services

Start the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper supervision process

Start Network Gatekeeper Management Tool

Configure the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper

Test the installation

SLEE Services

Directory _autoslee

Directory autosrv

Directory autowar

Network Gatekeeper Management Tool

About the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool

Graphical Network Gatekeeper Management Tool interface

Main window

File menu

Actions menu

Applications menu

Scripts menu

Help menu

Network Gatekeeper SLEE manager window

SLEE pane

Services pane

Messages pane

Invoke method window

Installing an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool (Unix)

Installing an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool (Windows 2000/XP)

Starting an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and adding a SLEE

Working with the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool

Text based Network Gatekeeper Management Tool

Installing a text based Network Gatekeeper Management Tool

Using the text based Network Gatekeeper Management Tool

Application Connection - Web Services

About Web Services applications

Distributing the WSDL files

Registering service providers and applications

Enabling a secure SSL connection to an application

One-way authenticated connections

Two-way authenticated connections

About the certificate builder

Using the certificate builder stand alone

Using the certificate builder through an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool

Configuring the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper for SSL connections

Setting up a one-way authenticated SSL connection

Configure the SSL connection when the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper acts as a server

Configure the SSL connection when the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper acts as a client

Setting up a two-way authenticated SSL connection

Service Provider and Application Administration

About service provider and application administration

Administration model

Overall workflow

Creating a service provider group

Identifying a service provider group

Viewing information about a service provider group

Updating the SLA for a service provider group

Deleting a service provider group

Creating a service provider account

Identifying a service provider account ID

Activating a service provider account

Viewing information about a service provider account

Changing data (SLA) for a service provider account

Logging out a service provider account

Deactivating a service provider account

Deleting a service provider account

Creating an application group

Identifying an application group

Viewing information about an application group

Updating SLA for an application group

Deleting an application group

Creating an application account

Connecting an application (account) to an OSA/Parlay gateway

Identifying an application account

...through the service provider account

...through the application group

Activating an application account

Viewing information about an application account

Changing data (SLA) for an application account

Logging out an application account

Deactivating an application account

Deleting an application account

Creating an application instance group

Identifying an application instance group

Activating an application instance group

Viewing information about an application instance group

Updating the SLA for an application instance group

Logging out an application instance group

Unlocking an application instance group

Changing password for an application instance group

Deactivating an application instance group

Deleting an application instance group

Network SLA Administration

About network SLA administration

Adding a service provider traffic SLA

Updating a service provider traffic SLA

Removing a service provider traffic SLA

Adding the total traffic SLA

Updating the total traffic SLA

Removing the total traffic SLA

Defining request rate warning levels

OSA Gateway Connection

About OSA/Parlay gateway connections

Connecting an OSA/Parlay gateway

Listing registered OSA/Parlay gateways

Disconnecting an OSA/Parlay gateway

SLEE and SLEE Service Operation

About the SLEE and SLEE services


SLEE services

Starting a SLEE process and a SLEE agent (command window)

Starting a SLEE process (Network Gatekeeper Management Tool)

Stopping a SLEE agent (command window)

Stopping a SLEE process (Network Gatekeeper Management Tool)

Viewing SLEE name

Viewing SLEE state

Changing SLEE state

Viewing memory and disk space utilization

Viewing SLEE load and resource utilization

Deleting SLEE load data

Listing resource sharing contexts

Viewing resource utilization for a resource sharing context

Listing SLEE services in a resource sharing context

Viewing resource sharing context for a SLEE service

Listing installed SLEE services

Viewing SLEE service state

Changing SLEE service state

Viewing SLEE service version

About trace

Enabling trace for a SLEE

Specifying type of trace for a SLEE service

Activating trace a SLEE service

Activating trace for all services in SLEE

Deactivating trace for a SLEE service

Deactivating trace for all services in SLEE

Disabling trace for a SLEE

Upgrading a SLEE service

User Administration

About user administration

Creating a service group

Adding a service to a service group

Creating a user

Adding a user to service group

Listing users

Changing password for a user

Viewing services for a user

Removing a user from a service group

Deleting a user

Viewing users in a service group

Viewing services in a service group

Removing a service from a service group

Deleting a service group

Statistics Handling

About statistics handling

Viewing statistics - system view

Viewing statistics - service provider and application view

Printing statistics to file

Creating a weekly system statistics report

Deleting statistics data from the database

Charging Data Export

About charging data export

Exporting charging data (manually)

Exporting charging data (script)


Alarm and Event Administration

About alarm and event administration

Reconfiguring alarm serverity level

Listing alarms with reconfigured serverity levels

Removing alarm serverity level reconfiguration for an alarm

Viewing the alarm list

Deleting alarm entries from the database

Viewing the event log

Deleting event entries from the database

Adding an alarm listener

Removing an alarm listener

Adding an event listener

Removing an event listener

Mailbox Administration

About Mailbox administration

Mailbox translation

Creating mailboxes

Deleting mailboxes by address

Deleting mailboxes by owner (application)

Adding a message translation

Deleting a message translation

Setting maximum message burst size

Routing Administration

About routing

Route specification examples

Adding a route

Viewing routes

Changing a route

Deleting a route

User Interaction Announcement Administration

About user interaction announcements


Connecting application announcement IDs to SRF IDs

Deleting a connection

Whitelist Administration

About whitelists

Destination specification examples

Adding a list entry

Viewing list entries

Removing a list entry

Removing all list entries for an ID (service provider or application)

Recommended Periodic Maintenance

About periodic maintenance

Database cleanup

System backup

Service Extension

About service extension

Installing a SESPA module

Installing an ESPA service capability module

Installing a network plug-in

Connecting an external protocol adapter to the plug-in manager

System Scaling

About system scaling

Adding a BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper SLEE

Configuring an application access SLEE

Configuring a service execution SLEE

Configuring an network plug-in SLEE

System Backup and Restoration

About system backup

Setting up backup directories

Enable binary logging

Performing a full system backup

Copy files and directories

Backup single database system

Backup replicated database system

Performing a system data backup

Copy files and directories

Single database system

Replicated database system

About system restoration

Performing a full system restoration

Install OS

Install resent patches

Copy backup files

Restore the database software

Start SLEE process

Performing a system data restoration

Restore a replicated database system

Database shapshot restoration



Handling corrupt database tables

Alarm and Fault Handling

Interpreting alarms

Clear alarms

Alarm numbering overview

SLEE and SLEE utility alarms

ESPA service capability alarms

Protocol plug-in alarms

SESPA alarms

Resolving Alarms


System Upgrade

Directory Structure and Contents

Installation CD



Installed system



List of Configuration Parameters

SLEE and SLEE utility services


Alarm service

Backup service

Charging service

Event service

Service capability manager

Servlet installer


Statistics service

Trace service

SLEE start-up parameters


SESPA access

SESPA call control

SESPA messaging

ESPA access and ESPA service capability modules

ESPA access

ESPA Charging

ESPA call control

ESPA call user interaction

ESPA messaging

ESPA messaging user interaction

ESPA Subscriber profile

ESPA User location

ESPA User status

Plug-in manager

Network plug-ins

ESPA access

ESPA generic UI/OSA (HOSA)

ESPA user location/OSA

ESPA user status/OSA


Messaging/SMPP SMS

Messaging/SMPP USSD



User location/MLP

User location/MPS

User Status/MPS

Servlet engine manager

Embedded Tomcat

Network time server manager

User Certificates and Private Keys

About user certificates and private keys

About the certificate builder

Generating certificates and private keys

Using the certificate builder through an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool

Writing Service Level Agreements

Service level agreement XML file overview

Charging service contract data

Generic call control service contract data

Generic messaging service contract data

Generic user interaction service contract data

Multiparty call control service contract data

Subscriber profile service contract data

User interaction service contract data

User location service contract data

User status service contract data

Service capability common service contract data

Writing Network SLA Files

SLA file overview

Service provider traffic SLA file

Total traffic SLA file

Contract data

Writing OAM Batch Files

OAM batch file example

Executing an OAM batch file



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