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Mailbox Administration

The following sections describe how to administer mailboxes:


About Mailbox administration

All messages arriving to BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper are stored in a mailbox's inbox before retrieved by the application owning the mailbox. An application can have one or more mailboxes. The application can subscribe to get a notification each time a message arrives in one of its mailboxes. To make this work, one or more mailboxes have to be created for each application using the messaging service. The subscription of notifications is handled by the application.

Mailbox translation

In addition, destination address short codes and message prefixes can be connected to a mailbox. The combination of a mailbox address, destination address short code and message prefix is called a mailbox translation.

A destination address short code is a number that is used by the end user instead of the real mailbox address. The same destination address short code can be used for several mailboxes if it is combined with a message prefix. The message prefix is a string entered by the end user as the first part of the message.

For example, a service provider can have a destination address short code that is used to access all the service provider's messaging based applications. For example 12345. The messages are distributed among the service provider's mailboxes through the use of message prefixes. In this case, each application has its own mailbox. Let's say that the service provider has two applications aimed for a radio show, one for greetings and one for requesting songs. The message prefix for to use can be defined as GREET and SONG.

That is, if an end user wants to request a song, he or she enters 12345 as destination address and starts the actual message with SONG.

In addition, if the service provider wants a general mailbox that is not connected to a specific task, it is possible to define a default mailbox using the same destination address short code (12345). When specifying a default mailbox, no message prefix is specified. This means that all messages sent to 12345 that does not start with GREET or SONG is delivered to the default mailbox.


Creating mailboxes

Follow the instruction below to create one or more mailboxes for an application account.

Note: The number of mailboxes created on BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper may become very large and thereby may limit the searching possibilities. Therefore it is recommended to keep track of which mailbox address ranges and mailbox passwords are used for each application in a separate file, for example an Excel file.

  1. Identify a free address range to be used for the mailboxes. See the file mentioned in the note above.
  2. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  3. Select a SLEE where the ESPA messaging service is installed.
  4. Double-click the ESPA_messaging service.
  5. Verify that the address range is free, double-click the listMailboxes method.
  6. Enter the first and the last address in the fromAddress and toAddress fields.
  7. Click the Invoke button.
  8. If the address range is free, no mailboxes will be displayed.

  9. Double-click the createMailboxRange method.
  10. If only one mailbox should be created, use the createMailbox method instead.

  11. Enter the following mailbox data.




    The first address in a range of free internal mailbox addresses in BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper. That is, you do not have to enter the service centre address part of the mailbox address.

    Integer (leading zeroes might have to be added to the internal mailbox address. This depends on the address format used).


    The last address in a range of free internal mailbox addresses. Must be greater than the address in startAddr.


    The application account ID of the application using the mailbox.


    The service provider account ID.


    A password to be used by the application when accessing the mailboxes.

  12. Click Invoke.
  13. The mailboxes are now created.

  14. Distribute the mailbox addresses and password to the service provider.


Deleting mailboxes by address

Follow the instruction below to delete one or more mailboxes based on address. Mailboxes can be deleted for individual addresses or by address range.

  1. Identify the mailbox address or address range in the separate file created to keep track of the used mailbox addresses.
  2. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  3. Select a SLEE where the ESPA messaging service is installed.
  4. Double-click the ESPA_messaging service.
  5. Verify that the address or address range you want to delete exists and that the desired service provider is the owner of all mailboxes to delete. Double-click the listMailboxes method.
  6. Enter the first and the last address in the fromAddress and toAddress fields.
  7. Click the Invoke button.
  8. Verify the addresses in the displayed address range.

  9. Double-click the removeMailboxRange method.
  10. If only one mailbox shall be deleted, use the removeMailbox method instead.

  11. Enter the first address and the last address in the range in the startAddr and endAddr fields.
  12. If only one mailbox shall be deleted, its address is entered in the addr field.

  13. Click Invoke.
  14. The mailbox(es) are now deleted.


Deleting mailboxes by owner (application)

Follow the instruction below to delete all mailboxes owned by a specific application.

  1. Identify the mailbox address or addresses in the separate file created to keep track of the used mailbox addresses.
  2. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  3. Select a SLEE where the ESPA messaging service is installed.
  4. Double-click the ESPA_messaging service.
  5. Verify that the address or address range you want to delete. Double-click the listMailboxesByOwner method.
  6. Enter the application account ID and service provider account ID in the applicationId and serviceProviderId fields.
  7. Click the Invoke button.
  8. Verify the addresses.

  9. Double-click the removeMailboxByOwner method.
  10. Enter the application account ID and service provider account ID in the applicationId and serviceProviderId fields.
  11. Click Invoke.
  12. The application's mailbox(es) are now deleted.


Adding a message translation

Follow the instruction below to specify a destination address short code and message prefix for a mailbox.

Note: The routing for the destination address short code towards BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper must be defined in the network. This is network specific and not covered in this User's Guide.

  1. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select a SLEE where the ESPA messaging service is installed.
  3. Double-click the ESPA_messaging service.
  4. Verify mailbox

  5. Verify the mailbox address you want to add the message translation for. Double-click the listMailboxes method.
  6. Enter the mailbox address in the fromAddress and toAddress fields.
  7. Click the Invoke button.
  8. Verify the displayed address.

    List current translations

  9. List the current translations. Double-click the listMailboxTranslationsForAddress method.
  10. Enter the mailbox address.
  11. Click the Invoke button.
  12. The current translation are displayed.

    Add translation

  13. Double-click the addMailboxTranslation method.
  14. Enter the following mailbox data.




    The destination address short code to be used instead of the real mailbox address.


    The keyword to be entered in the beginning of the message. The message prefix is case sensitive.

    If left empty, this mailbox will be the default mailbox for the destination address short code. That is, it will be used for messages that does not start with a valid message prefix.


    The mailbox address as verified above.

  15. Click the Invoke button.
  16. The message translation is added.


Deleting a message translation

Follow the instruction below to delete a message translation for a mailbox.

  1. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select a SLEE where the ESPA messaging service is installed.
  3. Double-click the ESPA_messaging service.
  4. List current translations

  5. List the current translations. Double-click the listMailboxTranslationsForAddress method.
  6. Enter the mailbox address.
  7. Click the Invoke button.
  8. The current translation are displayed.

    Delete translation

  9. Double-click the deleteMailboxTranslation method.
  10. Enter the following translation data.




    The destination address short code used instead of the real mailbox address.


    The keyword to be entered in the beginning of the message. The message prefix is case sensitive.

    If left empty, all message translations related to the destination address short code will be deleted.

  11. Click the Invoke button.
  12. The message translation is deleted.

    Note: The actual mailboxes have to be deleted separately, see Deleting mailboxes by address or Deleting mailboxes by owner (application).


Setting maximum message burst size

Follow the instruction below to define the maximum number of notifications on new unread messages that shall be distributed to an application in one burst. The reason for defining this is to prevent applications from being overloaded with notifications on new messages. This setting applies to all mailboxes in the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper.

  1. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select a SLEE where the ESPA messaging service is installed.
  3. Double-click the ESPA_messaging service.
  4. Double-click the setSelectUnreadMessagesSqlSize method.
  5. Enter the maximum number of messages to be distributed in one burst in the messages field.
  6. Click the Invoke button.


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