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User Interaction Announcement Administration

The following sections describe how to administer application announcements:


About user interaction announcements

When an application using a user interaction SC is connected to WebLogic Network Gatekeeper, announcements for the application have to be recorded and installed in the network. Since the announcement ID used in the network SRFs differs from the IDs used in application, a mapping between the IDs has to be performed.

The service provider has to provide lists of announcement ID used by the application.



Before the connection can be made, the announcements have to be recorded and installed in the SRF. This is equipment dependant.


Connecting application announcement IDs to SRF IDs

Follow the instruction below to connect an announcement ID used in the application to the ID of the actual announcement installed in the SRF.

When connecting large numbers of announcements to the same SRF, it is recommended to write a batch file performing the translations. See Writing OAM Batch Files.

  1. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select one of SLEEs where the user interaction service is installed.
  3. Double-click the ESPA_call_userinteraction service.
  4. Double-click the setTranslation method.
  5. Enter data according to the table below:




    Specifies the announcement ID used in the application. Should be provided by the service provider.


    Specifies the SRF's global title.


    Specifies the SRF's address type:

    0 - NONE

    1- NUMBER



    Specifies the value of the numbering plan indicator:

    1 - ISDN (E.164)

    2 - data (X.121)

    3 - telex (F.69)

    4 - reserved, national

    5 - reserved, national


    Specifies if address presentation is allowed or not:

    0 - presentation allowed

    1 - presentation restricted

    2 - number not available


    Specifies the value of the screening indicator:

    0 - user provided, not verified

    1 - user provided, verified and passed

    2 - user provided, verified and failed

    3 - network provided


    Specifies the value of the number of address indicator:

    1 - subscriber number

    2 - unknown

    3 - national number

    4 - international number


    Specifies the number qualifier:

    1 - additional called number

    5 - additional connected number

    6 - additional calling party number

    7 - additional original called number

    8 - additional redirecting number

    9 - additional redirection number

    10 - called freephone number

  6. Click Invoke.
  7. The connection made.

  8. Repeat Steps 4. to 6. for each connection to be made.


Deleting a connection

Follow the instruction below to delete a connection between an announcement ID used in the application and the ID of the actual announcement installed in the SRF.

When deleting large numbers of connections, it is recommended to write a batch file performing the deletion of all the connection. See Writing OAM Batch Files.

  1. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select one of SLEEs where the user interaction service is installed.
  3. Double-click the ESPA_call_userinteraction service.
  4. Double-click the deleteTranslation method.
  5. Enter the announcement ID as provided by the service provider.
  6. Click Invoke.
  7. The deletion made.


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