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Whitelist Administration

The following sections describe how to administer whitelists:


About whitelists

Whitelists are used to allow requests from service providers and their applications through the ESPA service capabilities. There is one list for each ESPA service capabilities.

The list entries contain allowed destination addresses and references to a service provider or application. Both the service provider or application level destination addresses are checked for every request. An overview is provided in the below table.


Destination in whitelist?

Service Provider










Total Result


not allowed

not allowed

not allowed

If no whitelist is defined on a level, all destination addresses are allowed on that level.

Destination specification examples

Below follows a number of example destinations address expressions.

Route expression



Specifies a string that matches all destination addresses.


Specifies a string matching all destination addresses starting with 46.


Specifies a string matching destination addresses starting with 46 containing exactly 10 digits.


Specifies a string matching mail destination addresses in the com domain.

In the examples:

* - matches any character 0 or more times.
? - matches any character exactly once.


Adding a list entry

Follow the instruction below to add a list entry to a list.

  1. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select any SLEE.
  3. Double-click the SLEE_list_matcher service.
  4. List available lists

  5. Double-click the getListEntry method.
  6. Click Invoke.
  7. All current lists are displayed.

    View list description

  8. Double-click the describeList method.
  9. Enter the list name.
  10. Click Invoke.
  11. A description of the lists and the valid entry formats are displayed.

    Add new entry

  12. Double-click the addListEntry method.
  13. Enter the following list entry data:




    The name of the list the entry is specified for.


    The ID of service provider or application the list entry shall be valid for. Specified as:

    • sp_id for a service provider. For example: sp1

    • sp_idapp_id for an application. For example: sp1app1


    The destination address specified according to entry format provided in Step 8. on page 3.

  14. Click Invoke.
  15. All new entry is added to the list.


Viewing list entries

Follow the instruction below to view entries in a list.

  1. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select any SLEE.
  3. Double-click the SLEE_list_matcher service.
  4. List available lists

  5. Double-click the getListEntry method.
  6. Click Invoke.
  7. All current lists are displayed.

    View entries

  8. Double-click the listEntries method.
  9. Enter the following list entry data:




    The name of the list the entry is specified for.


    The ID of service provider or application the list entry shall be valid for. Specified as:

    • sp_id for a service provider. For example: sp1

    • sp_idapp_id for an application. For example: sp1app1


    A search criteria according to the following:

    * - matches any character 0 or more times

    ? - matches any character exactly once


    The offset from the first hit to the first displayed hit.


    The number of displayed hits.

  10. Click Invoke.
  11. All list entries according to the search criteria, offset and desired number of displayed hits are shown.


Removing a list entry

Follow the instruction below to remove an entry from a list.

  1. Identify the entry to remove. See Viewing list entries.
  2. Double-click the removeListEntry method.
  3. Enter the entry's list name, ID and expression.
  4. Click Invoke.
  5. The entry is removed from the specified list.


Removing all list entries for an ID (service provider or application)

Follow the instruction below to remove all list entries related to a list and a service provider or application.

  1. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select any SLEE.
  3. Double-click the SLEE_list_matcher service.
  4. Double-click the removeIDFromList method.
  5. Enter the list name and the ID. The ID is specified as:
  6. Click Invoke.
  7. All entries related to the specified ID are removed from the list.


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