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Recommended Periodic Maintenance

The following sections describe periodic maintenance tasks recommended with WebLogic Network Gatekeeper:


About periodic maintenance

Periodic maintenance is divided in to database cleanup and system backup tasks.

A recommended time interval is given for each task. Depending on how the system is used, the recommended time intervals may have to be adjusted.


Database cleanup


How to


Delete load data

See Deleting SLEE load data.

1 month

Delete usage statistics

See Deleting statistics data from the database.

1 month

Delete alarms

See Deleting alarm entries from the database.

2 months

Delete events

See Deleting event entries from the database.

1 month


System backup


How to*


Full system backup

See Performing a full system backup.

1 weeks

System data backup

See Performing a system data backup.

1 day

* It is recommended to use an automatic backup facility. Refer to the indicated section for information about which files and directories to backup.

In addition, it is recommended to perform a full system backup when upgrading the system with new services.


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