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Statistics Handling

The following sections describe how to work with WEbLogic Network Gatekeeper statistics:


About statistics handling

The statistics functions measures the usage of BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper and the network service provided by BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper. The usage is measured in the number of transactions handled by each service.

Statistics reports can be generated for the whole system or for individual SLEEs and/or network services. Also, the desired time period can be specified.

A pre-defined report type is the weekly report. It shows the total BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper usage hour by hour during a specified week. The weekly report also shows total usage for each day and the average transaction rate (transactions/second (tps)) during the busy hour of each day. A busy hour is defined as the 60 minutes during which the largest number of transactions are handled. That is, any 60 minutes (5 minute intervals are used) can be the identified as the busy hour.


Viewing statistics - system view

Following the instruction below to display statistics data in the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool. Two different report types are possible:


  1. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select any SLEE in the SLEEs pane.
  3. Double-click the SLEE_statistics service in the Services pane.
  4. To create and view a customized statistics report, double-click the getStatistics method and continue with Step 5..
  5. To view the complete system statistics for the last minute(s), double-click the getSystemStatistics method and enter the number of minutes in the minutes field. Complete the task by clicking Invoke.

  6. Specify the one or all SLEEs using the sleeName field. See table below:

    To view statistics data for...

    Enter: SLEE.

    The SLEE name as specified at BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper installation.

    For information on how to display a SLEE's SLEE name, see Viewing SLEE name.

    ...all SLEEs

    Leave field empty.

  7. Specify one or all statistics types using the statisticsType field. See table below:

    To view statistics data for...


    ...a specific statistics type.

    The statistics type identifier.

    Available statistics types can be listed using the listStatisticsTypes method.

    ...all statistics types.

    -1 (including the dash)

  8. Specify a time period using the fromDate and toDate fields. See table below:



    Displays statistics data generated...

    Date (In format:
    YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm)


    ...within the specified time period.


    ...after the specified from date.


    ...before the specified to data.

    ....until now.

  9. Click Invoke.
  10. The specified statistics is now displayed in the Messages pane.


Viewing statistics - service provider and application view

Following the instruction below to display service provider or application statistics data in the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool.

  1. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select any SLEE in the SLEEs pane.
  3. Double-click the SLEE_statistics service in the Services pane.
  4. Double-click the getStatisticsAppID method.
  5. Specify the one or all SLEEs using the sleeName field. See table below:

    To view statistics data for...


    ...all SLEEs. (the whole system)

    Leave field empty.

    ...a specific SLEE. (only application statistics generate by the specified SLEE will be displayed)

    The SLEE name as specified at BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper installation.

    For information on how to display a SLEE's SLEE name, see Viewing SLEE name.

  6. Specify one or all statistics types using the statisticsType field. See table below:

    To view statistics data for...


    ...a specific statistics type.

    The statistics type identifier.

    Available statistics types can be listed using the listStatisticsTypes method.

    ...all statistics types.

    -1 (including the dash)

  7. Specify a time period using the fromDate and toDate fields. See table below:



    Displays statistics data generated...

    Date (In format:
    YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm)


    ...within the specified time period.


    ...after the specified from date.


    ...before the specified to data.

    ....until now.

  8. Enter the Service Provider ID in the entOpID field.
  9. Enter the Application ID in the clientAppID field.
  10. Use an empty string to get aggregated statistics for all applications belonging to the service provider.

  11. Click Invoke.
  12. The specified statistics is now displayed in the Messages pane.


Printing statistics to file

Follow the instruction below to print a customized statistics data report to file.

  1. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select any SLEE.
  3. Double-click the SLEE_statistics service.
  4. Double-click the saveStatisticsToFile method.
  5. Specify the one or all SLEEs using the sleeName field. See table below:

    To print statistics data for...

    Enter: SLEE.

    The SLEE name as specified at BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper installation.

    For information on how to display a SLEE's SLEE name, see Viewing SLEE name.

    ...all SLEEs

    Leave field empty.

  6. Specify a file name with or without a path in the fileName field.
  7. If no path is specified, the file is stored in the current SLEE's working directory.

  8. Specify one or all statistics types using the statisticsType field. See table below:

    To print statistics data for...


    ...a specific statistics type.

    The statistics type identifier.

    Available statistics types can be listed using the listStatisticsTypes method.

    ...all statistics types.

    -1 (including the dash)

  9. Specify a time period using the fromDate and toDate fields. See table below:



    Prints statistics data generated...

    Date (In format:
    YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm)


    ...within the specified time period.


    ...after the specified from date.


    ...before the specified to data.

    ....until now.

  10. Click Invoke.
  11. The specified statistics is now printed to file.


Creating a weekly system statistics report

Follow the instruction below to create a weekly system statistics report. The report shows:


  1. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select any SLEE.
  3. Double-click the SLEE_statistics service.
  4. Double-click the createWeeklyReport method.
  5. Specify the first day in the week using the startDate field.
  6. Use format YYYY-MM-DD.

  7. Specify a file name with or without a path in the fileName field.
  8. If no path is specified, the file is stored in the current SLEE's working directory.

  9. Click Invoke.
  10. The specified weekly report is now printed to file.


Deleting statistics data from the database

Follow the instruction below to delete statistics data from the database.

  1. Start an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select any SLEE.
  3. Double-click the SLEE_statistics service.
  4. Double-click the deleteStatistics method.
  5. Specify the one or all SLEEs using the sleeName field. See table below:

    To delete statistics data for...

    Enter: SLEE.

    The SLEE name as specified at BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper installation.

    For information on how to display a SLEE's SLEE name, see Viewing SLEE name.

    ...all SLEEs

    Leave field empty.

  6. Specify one or all statistics types using the statisticsType field. See table below:

    To delete statistics data for...


    ...a specific statistics type.

    The statistics type identifier.

    Available statistics types can be listed using the listStatisticsTypes method.

    ...all statistics types.

    -1 (including the dash)

  7. Specify a time period using the fromDate and toDate fields. See table below:



    Deletes statistics data generated...

    Date (In format:
    YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm)


    ...within the specified time period.


    ...after the specified from date.


    ...before the specified to data.

    ....until now.

  8. Click Invoke.
  9. The specified statistics is now deleted from the database.


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