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Writing OAM Batch Files

The following sections describe how to use OAM batch files:


OAM batch file example

The following shows a an example of an OAM batch file called updateFriends.txt. The friends and acquaintances lists are imaginary services that keeps track of a person's friends and acquaintances. Using the batch file, four persons are added to the acquaintances list and one person is moved from the acquaintances list to the friends list.

Listing F-1 OAM Batch file example

service Acquaintances
method addPerson
removePerson "John"
Friends:addPerson "John" "36"

The service Acquaintances is selected.

Since four persons are to be added, the method addPerson is selected. By selecting the method, you do not have to specify the method again until you want to use method.

The four persons are added to the acquaintances list. Note that strings have to be put within quotation marks.

To remove a person, the removePerson method is used. Since only one person is removed it is unnecessary to select the method and specify the parameters on a separate rows.

Finally, the removed person is added to the friends list. Since the Friends service is used only once, both the method and parameters are specified on the same row as the service. Note that parameters are separated by a space.


Executing an OAM batch file

Store the OAM batch file in the bin directory on the SLEE host where the used SLEE services are installed. for example /usr/local/slee/bin/ directory on BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper host.

After connecting the text based Network Gatekeeper Management Tool to the SLEE, the OAM batch file is executed using the command:

exec "updateFriends.txt"

The OAM batch file can also be executed from an Network Gatekeeper Management Tool, see Network Gatekeeper Management Tool.

It is also possible to store the OAM batch files in other directories than the bin directory. The exec command is then used with an absolute or relative path. The relative path with the bin directory as starting point. Note that the path has to be specified as a Java string, for example: "C:\\batch_files\\updateFriends.txt" and "/usr/local/batch_files/updateFriends.txt".


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